The Town of Frisco is hosting a business open house on Thursday, April 13 from 5:00 to 6:30pm at Highside Brewing to gather feedback from Frisco businesses about the use of Main Street. Frisco Town Council will be discussing the future of the promenade concept and parklets at their May 9, 2023 meeting and are seeking robust feedback from businesses regarding the use of public property for business purposes on Main Street.
This winter the Town contracted with RRC Associates to administer surveys to residents and businesses. Survey links and unique codes were sent to residents and to businesses with physical locations in Frisco, and the surveys closed on Sunday, April 2. These surveys received 869 responses total with 79 responses from businesses. RRC Associates will present the survey results during the May 9 Town Council meeting.
Council wants businesses to have diverse opportunities to provide feedback, including an open house. Business owners and managers are invited to drop in any time between 5:00 and 6:30pm to provide written feedback and speak with Town staff. The open house will not include a presentation.
Businesses may also provide feedback directly to Town Council by sending their comments to Emily Weber at