Application Process for Permitting – Building & Planning
Contact Info
Kara Fine
Contracted Permit Technician with Comprehensive Building Code Services, LLC 303-910-2966 Email
The Town of Frisco has moved building and planning application services online. With the CommunityCore software, you can submit permit applications, make permit fee payments, request inspections, track application status, as well as obtain permit documents. The online permitting software generates emails to staff when applications are submitted, revisions/documents are uploaded, and when payments are made; thus, alleviating the need for an applicant to spend time with emails and phone calls confirming receipt of these items – the system communicates these things for you.
Having a complete and correct submittal as well as fewer emails and phone calls to confirm these things speeds along the process for you, and others. Everything is online so you can keep track of your permit application and know where it stands at all times. Below is more information to get the process started.
Exterior Light Fixtures in association with renovations/alterations
Frisco Town Code, Section 180-8.11.3 states that a nonconforming structure that is nonconforming in terms of its outdoor light fixtures may be expanded, changed, or altered provided that all outdoor light fixtures on the structure, new and old, are brought into compliance with the provisions of Section 180-6.16.
Properties subject to regulation by a Homeowner’s Association should consult with the governing entity prior to initiating work to verify compliance of the proposed project with applicable HOA requirements.
Request your CommunityCore login by emailing the Community Development department.
Once you have your login information, submit your application through CommunityCore and upload all pertinent documents in PDF format. Consult the submittal requirements document for the specific application if you are unsure what is required. Having a complete and correct submittal speeds along the process for you and others.
Community Development staff will review your application for completeness and will email you when fees are assessed.
Login to CommunityCore to make payment with a credit card or EFT.
After payment, Community Development will perform a plan review.
Once the plan review is complete and approved, a permit will be issued for an approved application and staff will notify you by email.
Inspections may now be requested online through CommunityCore. You can access the permit and inspection card in CommunityCore through “Documents”. These two documents must be posted at the construction site for the inspector to access.
Starting in August 2024, 100% of the Building Division’s workload is being transfered to a third party, which the Town already been utilizing. The Building Division has been dissolved, and the Town is moving to a 3rd party to provide timely and efficient services to the Frisco community. This third party will continue to work closely with the Planning Division, and all projects must still obtain both planning and building approval.
All building (not technical) projects must obtain both Planning and Building approval.
Sometimes this approval will require two separate applications
Please ensure you prepare the following, prior to submitting online:
Know what application for which you are submitting. If you have questions, please email.
Know the technical information specific to your application. Review your application submittal requirements below.
Make sure you submit a complete application to avoid delays of the reviewing process.
The Town does not require a contractor’s license;however, all contractors conducting work in the Town of Frisco are required to have a current Town of Frisco Business License.
When working on your application:
Skip over the “Category” field as it will pre-populate based on what you enter as “Permit Type”.
On the Jobsite Address, always click on “Look Up Address” and be sure to use the “GIS” tab, then enter at least 3 digits of the address. For example, if the address is 87 Hawn Drive, you would need to enter the numbers 87 and a space for the address to prepopulate, then click on the address that prepopulates – this will ensure you are using the most up to date Summit County records.
You will not be creating a project, so ignore that.
If you run into any problems, there is a chat feature which you can access by clicking on the ellipsis (…) in the upper right corner by your initials. You chat directly with a representative within minutes who can help you with any issues.
Rapid Review Joint Submittal– (processed by Planning and Building) This document provides a list of requirements for the following projects:
Window/Door Replacements
Furnaces, Boilers replacements or new
Water Heater replacements
Hot Tubs on existing decks or slabs
Once the “Rapid” application is submitted online, is complete, and fees are paid, every effort will be made to turn the permit around within 3 business days.
Building Permit Submittal – This document provides a list of requirements for the following projects:
BLDG-IRC (International Residential Code)
BLDG-IBC (International Building Code)
Plumbing Permit
Mechanical Permit
Change of Occupancy
Demolition Permit
Rapid Review Permit Joint Submittal (processed by Planning and Building Divisions) – This document provides a list of requirements for the following projects:
Improvements Agreements – provides general submittal guidelines for a variety of improvements agreements, i.e., Subdivision, Zoning, Grading Demolition, etc. Non-refundable application fee is $150.00. (Consult a Community Development Planner for direction prior to submitting online.)
Improvement Location Certificates (ILC) shall be submitted electronically through Community Core. To determine when an ILC is required, please click here.
Decks, patios and sheds for multi-family, mixed-use and non-residential projects
New single-household and two-household residences including garages, additions and associated accessory buildings/structures that are not considered “Administrative”
Additions and accessory buildings/structures to multi-family, mixed-use, and non-residential with a maximum of 1000 sq. ft. GFA or 1000 sq. ft. lot coverage
Preliminary Plat Application (when required) – provides a list of requirements for Preliminary Plat applications.
Final Plat Submittal – provides a list of requirements for Final Plats, including Minor Subdivisions for a subdivision that creates three lots or less, resubdivision for duplexes, condominiums, and townhomes.
Electrical Permits: Electrical permitting and inspections for the Town of Frisco are provided by the Summit County Building Department. Summit County will require a Town of Frisco building permit number prior to the electrical permit application being accepted.
Photovoltaic-DC (Solar): Solar applications for the Town of Frisco are handled by the Summit County Building Department .The Town of Frisco reduced the cost and consolidated its permitting process for solar projects. Collaborating with Summit County and Summit Fire & EMS, we have created a one-stop shopping approach to the process by having the applicant bring all permit materials to Summit County. No longer does an applicant need to bring application materials to the Town, Summit Fire, and Summit County for separate permits and pay separate fees. Summit County will now receive the permit application, take in the fee (a maximum total permit fee of $500) and refer the permit to Summit Fire and the Town for approval, issue the permit, and perform the inspections.
Plumbing Permits: As required by Colorado Revised Statutes, the Town of Frisco shall conduct contemporaneous reviews of plumbing contractor licensing through Colorado DORA. The policies and procedures relating to how these reviews are performed can be found on the Town of Frisco Contemporaneous Plumbing Review Procedures page.
The Community Development Department requires approval from other agencies as part of issuing permits and Certificates of Occupancy.
When an application and plans are turned in and fees are paid, the Building and Planning Departments will assign online all Agencies having jurisdiction and are required to approve various stages of the project. It is the responsibility of the project owner or contractor of record to contact those agencies (obtaining online approval/“sign-off”). Approvals from these agencies may require the project owner to submit plans, obtain separate permits, and pay additional fees at each agency. These approvals may include the following (anything bolded and underscored is a link):
Reviews for fire safety. Some Building permits require permits from Summit Fire & EMS as well. Be prepared by referencing the following document to know if a fire permit is required: Summit Fire Permit Process Help Letter2020
Administers elevator permits, inspections, and certificates of inspections.
Xcel Energy, 970-262-4050
Request an Inspection
Contractors may submit inspections online via CommunityCore. Please request an inspection, by logging in to the permit on CommunityCore.
Building inspections: If requested online prior to 4:00 pm, we will be out the following business day. On holidays observed by the Town of Frisco Town Hall, inspections requested will be honored the following business day.
Planning inspections: May be requested through CommunityCore, but are not required to be completed within 24 hours.