
Contact Info

Frisco Public Works

102 School Road
Frisco, CO 80443 United States

Ryan Thompson

Water Superintendent

Chris McGinnis

Town Engineer and Public Works Director

Ashley Hinton

Public Works Department Office Manager

Backflow Reports

Submit Backflow Reports

Frisco Water Emergency Line

Frisco Water On-Call

Town of Frisco water is produced from the Wayne Bristol Surface Water Treatment Plant: rated at 1 million gallons per day production and has a water right on North Ten Mile Creek for 2.5 cubic feet per second. The Surface Water Plant is a primary water supply for the Town of Frisco. There are four full-time employees in the Water Department.

The Town also has three water wells which are utilized to supplement the Water Treatment Plant. Requests for tours of the water system are gladly accommodated and if you have any questions concerning water quality, conservation, or operations please contact the Public Works Department at 970-668-0836.

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Water Quality

The Town of Frisco Water Department performs constant monitoring and regular testing of all Town water sources and systems to provide all water customers with the cleanest, best-tasting water possible. Latest information about water testing results, what they mean, and the steps the Town will take, as well as what water customers can do to achieve the highest possible drinking water quality can be found in the sections below:

View the 2024 Drinking Water Quality Report for calendar year 2023 below. This report will not be mailed. Copies are available at Town Hall front desk, as well as the Visitor Information Center.

The Town of Frisco completed the installation of a Corrosion Control (CCT) system at all four (4) water sources by July 1, 2022. The first treated water was delivered on February 14, 2022 at two (2) of the water sources, while the other two were being outfitted simultaneously. The third water source came online by June 1, 2022, and the last and final was on July 1, 2022. Read More Here…

On September 1, 2021, the Colorado Department of Health and Environment (CDPHE) issued a violation to the Town of Frisco for failure to install corrosion control treatment (CCT) systems at the Town’s three water sources by the August 29, 2021 deadline, and the Town of Frisco must subsequently inform all water customers each 90 days until the corrosion control systems are in place. Frisco’s water division is currently in the process of installing the systems at all four water sources, and anticipates complete installation of the CCT systems by the first quarter of 2022.  Read more here…

During the latest round of testing for the Town of Frisco’s Lead and Copper Monitoring Program for the second half of 2022, lead levels did NOT test in exceedance of the maximum allowable limits.

The Town is now offering free lead and copper testing for homes/buildings built on and before 1987 in the Town of Frisco, as some individual homes in Frisco have tested in exceedance of the maximum allowable limits for lead, which is in exceedance of 15 parts per billion (ppb).

  • Frisco has four (4) water sources which have consistently had lead levels registering at below detectable levels (BDL), which means that source water is not the cause of lead levels in individual homes/buildings.
  • All of Frisco’s main water lines are constructed out of ductile iron, and all service lines (from the main line to homes) are either copper or galvanized and not lead, indicating that water lines from the water sources to individual buildings/homes are not the source of lead either.

Please email Town of Frisco Water Foreman Ryan Thompson to request a lead sampling kit for your home.

In 2020, the Town of Frisco took part in Colorado’s 2020 Sampling Project by sampling drinking water at three source locations where treated water enters the piping network in town. The 2020 Colorado Sampling Project was in direct response to an emerging public health challenge from a group of chemicals scientifically called per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances or “PFAS.” These chemicals are found in certain classes of firefighting foam as well as in many consumer products, and may cause various health impacts.

To help communities learn if their residents are at risk, the Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment (CDPHE) offered free testing to public drinking water systems serving communities. Frisco’s results for two specific chemicals currently under the EPA’s health advisory, PFOA and PFOS, were well below the maximum contaminant level of 70 parts per trillion, however the total combined concentration of compounds that fall under the PFAS family, including those not under the EPA health advisory, were slightly above the maximum contaminant level, at 75.4 parts per trillion. To learn more about PFAS and what this means for Frisco’s drinking water, please click below.

Backflow Information

A backflow device is used to control a cross connection in a water system. The State requires a backflow device on all water services that are connected to a public water system. Town of Frisco plumbing codes also require separate devices past the initial backflow for various other hazards including; boilers, hot tubs, in ground irrigation systems and other possible situations that could affect the potability of drinking water.

The Town of Frisco is required by the Colorado Department of Health and Environment to survey every water service on the Town’s public water system for the degree of hazard related to cross connections and the backflow protection needed for that service. A list of certified backflow testers can be found here.

Please submit all backflow reports to backflowtesting@townoffrisco.com.

In order for the Town to comply with the Colorado Department of Health and Environment’s requirements for backflow prevention, Council approved amendments to the Town Code that will implement deadlines for property owners to test their backflow devices and submit the results to the Town, and fines for those who fail to do so. Properly working backflow prevention devices keep outgoing water from contaminating source water. These requirements pertain to multi-family and commercial properties rather than individual homes.

The code amendments establish the following:

  • Report submission deadlines:
    • Backflow device testing reports for domestic and fire suppression devices must be submitted to the Town no later than September 1 of each year.
    • Backflow device testing reports for irrigation devices must be submitted to the Town no later than July 31 of each year.
  • Penalties:
    • The penalty for the first offense will be a mandatory fine of $250.
    • Any subsequent violation will carry a mandatory fine of $500.
    • These fines can be assessed each day the property is out of compliance within a twelve-month period.

Watering Schedule

The Town of Frisco has an irrigation schedule based on the location of your property. Zone 1 shall consist of all properties that have an address in which the last whole number is an even number, and Zone 2 shall consist of all properties that have an address in which the last whole number is an odd number. You can find your watering schedule below.

Current Phase: Phase 1 Voluntary Water Use Restrictions

Phase 1 Voluntary Water Use Restrictions Schedule

Zone 1 – Last whole number in address is evenTuesday, Thursday, and SaturdayOvernight, 6:00pm – 9:00am
Zone 2 – Last whole number in address is oddSunday, Wednesday, and FridayOvernight, 6:00pm – 9:00am
  1. Irrigation, sprinkling or otherwise applying water to a lawn or other area of land on which grass is grown, or intended to be grown, is permitted only within the following areas and during the following days and time periods as stated above.
  2. Flowers, decorative plants, bushes and trees may be watered at any time and on any day so long as such watering is done by way of drip irrigation or by hand using a watering can or a hose with an automatic shut-off valve.
  3. It shall be unlawful for any person to do the following acts:
    • Use a hose to wash any structure, motor vehicle or boat unless the hose is equipped with an automatic shut-off valve;
    • Wash any paved area with a hose;
    • Serve water to a customer of a commercial establishment except upon request of the customer.

Phase 2 Mandatory Water Use Restrictions Schedule

Zone 1 – Last whole number in address is evenTuesday, Thursday, and SaturdayOvernight, 6:00pm – 9:00am
Zone 2 – Last whole number in address is oddSunday, Wednesday, and FridayOvernight, 6:00pm – 9:00am
  1. Irrigation, sprinkling or otherwise applying water to a lawn or other area of land on which grass is grown, or intended to be grown, is permitted only within the following areas and during the following days and time periods as stated above.
  2. Flowers, decorative plants, bushes and trees may be watered at any time and on any day so long as such watering is done by way of drip irrigation or by hand using a watering can or a hose with an automatic shut-off valve.
  3. It shall be unlawful for any person to do the following acts:
    • Use a hose to wash any structure, motor vehicle or boat unless the hose is equipped with an automatic shut-off valve;
    • Wash any paved area with a hose;
    • Serve water to a customer of a commercial establishment except upon request of the customer.

Phase 3 Mandatory Water Use Restrictions Schedule

Zone 1 – Last whole number in address is evenTuesday and SaturdayOvernight, 6:00pm – 9:00am
Zone 2 – Last whole number in address is oddSunday and WednesdayOvernight, 6:00pm – 9:00am
  1. Irrigation, sprinkling or otherwise applying water to a lawn or other area of land on which grass is grown, or intended to be grown, is permitted only within the following areas and during the following days and time periods as stated above.
  2. Flowers, decorative plants, bushes and trees may be watered at any time and on any day so long as such watering is done by way of drip irrigation or by hand using a watering can or a hose with an automatic shut-off valve.
  3. It shall be unlawful for any person to do the following acts:
    • Use a hose to wash any structure, motor vehicle or boat unless the hose is equipped with an automatic shut-off valve;
    • Wash any paved area with a hose;
    • Serve water to a customer of a commercial establishment except upon request of the customer.

Phase 4 Mandatory Water Use Restrictions Schedule

No water use for irrigation, sprinkling or applying water to any outdoor vegetation; washing structures, vehicles or boats; or washing outdoor areas with a hose.

  1. All of the following Phase 4 water use restrictions are mandatory.
  2. It shall be unlawful for any person to do any of the following acts:
    • Irrigate, sprinkle or otherwise apply water to any outdoor vegetation;
    • Use as hose to wash any structure, motor vehicle or boat on a property used for residential purposes;
    • Wash any paved areas with a hose; and
    • Serve water to a customer of a commercial establishment except upon request of the customer.

Water Conservation Code

The Town of Frisco adopted Ordinance 24-07, Chapter 171 concerning Water, amending Article V concerning Water Conservation, on March 26, 2024. The amendments simplify and standardize restrictions concerning the watering or irrigation of lawns and other areas of land to be consistent with other towns in Summit County. The Town of Frisco has an irrigation schedule based on the location of your property. Read Article V of Chapter 171, Water to learn more about the changes to water restrictions and your water schedule.

Water Inspections

The Water Department performs all inspections of water lines and meter assemblies for newly constructed homes and businesses (please refer to the Town of Frisco’s Water Construction Standards). All Water related inspections must be scheduled through the Public Works Administration Department and all inspections require a 24 hour notice; please call the Public Works Office Manager at 970-668-0836 to schedule an inspection.

Water Meters

You must purchase your water meter from the Town of Frisco. Please contact the Public Works Office Manager at 970-668-0836 for pricing and pick-up.

Water Supply for Contractors

To effectively and efficiently perform public works operations, the Town no longer provides water for private contractors.

Waste Water

The Town of Frisco’s sanitation (sewer) service is provided by the Frisco Sanitation District, which is a special district not operated by the Town. Please contact the Frisco Sanitation District at 970-668-3723 for sewer service inquiries and any other sanitation related issues.