Frisco Town Hall is open to the public Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm. Appointments are necessary when meeting with staff, to ensure staff is available. Please contact the staff member directly for an appointment; contact information is available in the townwide staff directory.
The mission of the Community Development Department (CDD) of Frisco, Colorado is to enhance quality of life, promote sustainable development and environmental stewardship, and encourage compatible building design throughout the Frisco community.
CDD strives to serve the community and guide the physical development of Frisco to meet present and future needs of its citizens in ways that promote good civic design, convenience, health, safety, efficiency and economy. The Building and Planning Divisions of CDD are the front line resources to assist customers in obtaining various permits for development as well as to provide zoning information on properties. CDD is committed to:
Providing professional, efficient customer service
Promoting greater understanding of the Town’s building and zoning codes
Finding practical and common sense solutions
Online Permit Applications
The Town of Frisco Community Development Department is committed to working with our building community and homeowners to accept and move forward, both Planning and Building, permit applications can be submitted online through our CommunityCore software.
Please fill out a permit application for the following projects:
New building construction
Additions, alterations, and repairs to existing buildings (including re-roofing a structure, replacing window or door units and re-siding a commercial or multi-family structure)
Repairs, alterations, removal, or replacement of any electrical, fuel-gas, mechanical, or plumbing system (fireplaces, furnaces, boilers, addition of hot tubs)
Change in use or occupancy of existing buildings
Moving existing buildings
Demolition of buildings
BLDG-IRC (International Residential Code)
BLDG-IBC (International Building Code)
Administrative Site Plan
Conditional Use
Final Plat
Grading Permit
Minor Site Plan
Major Site Plan
Outdoor Commercial Establishment (OCE)
Property Vacation
Sign Permit
Wetlands Disturbance
Application Process Questions?
If you have not received an email with CommunityCore login instructions, please email us so we can help you enter your application, application documentation, pay your fees, and check on the permit status.
Once a complete submittal is received, the applicant will be advised of the fees assessed and can login to CommunityCore and make fee payment with a credit card or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).
After the plan review is complete, the Planning Department will email a Notice of Decision, as applicable, and the Building Department will issue the permit via email to the Applicant.
If the Planning/Building Department finds that a plan review cannot be completed without printed plans, the applicant will be contacted and further arrangements will be made.
For those projects already permitted and in the inspection phase, please request an inspection, by logging in to the permit on CommunityCore. You may then request your inspection online prior to 4:30 p.m. and we will be out the following business day.