Town News

Second Vacancy on Frisco Town Council

On February 2, 2025, Frisco Councilmember Andrew Aerenson submitted a letter of resignation from Frisco Town Council, as he is moving to another area of Summit County and out of the jurisdictional boundaries of the Town of Frisco. Councilmember Aerenson has served on Frisco Town Council since April 2020, in addition to being on the Summit Foundation board, serving with the American Red Cross across the country during natural disasters, and being involved in the Rotary Club of Summit County. Councilmember Aerenson was unfailingly prepared for every Town Council meeting and brought a deep curiosity around how to make government better. He regularly sought ways to encourage more people to make Frisco their home, and he made decisions with a relentless focus on the quality of life for Frisco’s community members.

On February 11 Council to Decide Between Special Election or Appointment Process

Currently, an appointment process is underway to fill another Council vacancy, Lisa Holenko’s former seat. When a Councilmember resigns during their term, Town Council has the choice to call for a special election or to appoint a resident to the vacant Town Council seat within 45 days. During the January 14, 2025 Town Council meeting, Council decided to move forward with an appointment process for Ms. Holenko’s vacancy, and during Town Council’s February 11, 2025 meeting, Council will decide whether to hold a special election for Councilmember Aerenson’s seat or to appoint someone if there are two qualified candidates identified through the current appointment process that was initiated to fill Ms. Holenko’s Council seat.

Councilmember Aerenson’s term is through April 2028, and if Town Council decides to appoint a qualified candidate to this seat, rather than calling for a special election, then this seat will be up for a regular election process in April 2026 with a term of two years. Also, Councilmember Aerenson is currently serving as Mayor Pro Tem, and therefore, Council will need to appoint a new Mayor Pro Tem at their next Town Council meeting.

Appointment Process and Response

The appointment application process opened on January 15, 2025 for Ms. Holenko’s seat and has seen significant interest with 15 people having picked up petition packets to initiate the appointment process. A successful candidate for Ms. Holenko’s seat would serve out the remainder of her term until April 2026.

The appointment process includes an online application that requires a letter of interest and poses general questions regarding the candidate’s length of residency, reasons for interest in serving on Frisco Town Council, and professional background and experience. Council is also requiring all candidates to submit a candidate petition with 25 verified signatures from registered electors at a Frisco physical address, just as they would need to in preparation for an election.

Appointment Timeline

Town Council agreed to the following candidacy timeline:

  • January 15 by 1:00pm- Informational candidacy packets, including required candidate petition, available to the public at Frisco Town Hall, and required online application available at in the news section of the front page.
  • February 5 by 5:00pm- Petition, application, and letter of interest due.
  • February 6 at noon- Cure period for petitions.
  • February 11- Application review and interviews during Town Council meeting.
  • February 25- Last regular Town Council meeting within the required 45 days and when Town Council makes candidate selection.
  • March 11- Swearing in and first meeting for the new Councilmember(s).

Candidate Eligibility

Residents who have resided within Frisco town limits for one year, who are 18 years of age or older, who are registered electors in the Town of Frisco, and who are citizens of the United States are eligible to be appointed to Frisco Town Council. Candidates who have been convicted of embezzlement, bribery, perjury, solicitation of bribery, or subornation of perjury are not eligible to serve on Frisco Town Council. Unincorporated areas of Frisco such as, but not limited to Bill’s Ranch, Evergreen, Frisco Heights, Frisco Terrace, Giberson Tract, Ophir Mountain, Wiborg Park, Farmer’s Korner, and Copper Mountain, are not a part of Frisco town limits, and therefore, residents in those areas are ineligible for service on Frisco Town Council.

  • By February 5, 2025 at 5:00pm, candidates must fill out the online application, which includes a link to upload the required letter of interest, available in the news section at
  • Candidates must also pick up a candidate packet at Frisco Town Hall, which includes a candidate petition that must be filled out with 25 signatures from registered Town of Frisco electors. This petition must also be submitted by February 5, 2025 at 5:00pm to the Town Clerk. Frisco Town Hall is open Monday through Thursday from 8:00am to 5:00pm and Friday from 8:00am to 12:00pm.

More Information

Candidacy information may be found by visiting or by contacting Town Clerk, Stacey Nell, at or at 970-668-9122.