High Country Conservation Center (HC3) recently launched Strong Future Community Grants to assist in the prevention or reduction of waste for Summit County communities. Small businesses, lodging facilities, restaurants, and homeowner’s associations (HOAs) located in the Town of Frisco are encouraged to apply, and this is a great way to prepare for the required implementation of Frisco’s Universal Recycling Ordinance on June 1, 2024. Through these grants, businesses and HOAs can help the Summit County community reach their goal of 40% waste diversion by 2035 and meet the requirements of the Universal Recycling Ordinance.
Strong Future Community Grants have $325,000 allocated for grants in 2023, and those grants will be awarded in the $25,000 – $75,000 range. Applications for projects focusing on a majority underserved and/or workforce population will be prioritized. All projects must be completed within one year of award notice. Eligible projects must achieve a major result in one of the following areas:
- Prevent or reduce waste.
- Increase reuse of materials.
- Increase recycling or composting access for underserved and/or workforce population(s).
- Increase recycling or composting, creating measurable diversion of materials from the landfill.
- Divert construction and demolition waste from the landfill.
- Create innovative programs/services that increase current or future diversion.
Applicants must match funding for 25% or more of the total cost of the project. For projects focusing on a majority underserved and/or workforce population, the requirement for matching funding may be waived. Applicants who are awarded funds must submit two invoices, one at 50% completion and a final invoice once the project is complete.
The application deadline is Thursday, June 15, 2023, at 5:00pm MST. For more information or questions on Strong Future Community Grants, contact grants@highcountryconservation.org or call 970-668-5703. Mini-grants are also available for Silverthorne, Dillon and Unincorporated Summit County and may be viewed here.