619 Granite Street Workforce Housing Project – Concept Design Update
The Town of Frisco and Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) have partnered to develop a workforce housing project on the lot owned by CDOT located at 619 Granite Street in the Town of Frisco. On January 26, 2021 the Town approved a contract with Studio Architecture to develop plans and cost estimates for the workforce housing project. The project team, comprised of the Studio Architecture consultants, Town staff, representatives from CDOT, and two Town Council members, has met over the past several weeks to establish program goals, which will help guide decision making and evaluation of potential development scenarios, review and refine proposed development scenarios, and create a recommendation for the conceptual building and site design. The main goals identified were:
- Affordability
- Maximizing the number of units
- Livability
- Sustainability
Studio Architecture developed several conceptual designs, which endeavored to balance project goals and compliance with Town regulations, and these conceptual designs were presented to Town Council for feedback. The walk-up style design best met all the listed goals, and Council directed the design team to continue with that walk-up style design after providing feedback.
Parking Policy Discussion
Council had a discussion about parking policy, as this issue consistently comes up in dialogs regarding land development applications, short-term and long-term rentals, events, and recreation. As a result of this discussion, Town Council directed staff to explore:
- More options for overnight parking near Main Street. Currently, overnight parking is currently only allowed in the Granite/3rd Lot Parking Lot, Marina/Summit Lot, and West Main Street “Kayak” Parking Lot.
- Proposals/plans to allow overnight parking on Town street right-of-ways in certain areas and at times when this policy would not inhibit snowplowing and maintenance of public streets. Council noted that prohibiting parking in the right-of-way has an indirect impact of creating a less cluttered aesthetic and may also incentivize alternative transportation choices such as walking, biking, and using public transit, which has positive impacts on the natural environment. Council directed staff to retain the current regulations, however research possible exceptions in the way of special permits and/or zones that may better serve public needs.
- Parking requirements for development- Council discussed the current parking requirements for development, which establish a minimum amount of parking spaces to reasonably accommodate patrons or residents at commercial and residential buildings. Council noted that these requirements can have significant impacts on the use of land, including not being able to build more workforce housing units. Council directed staff to continue to consider and to have conversations about these requirements impact developments.
- Updating the master transportation plan, which has not been updated since the 1986
Discussion for 2021 Budget Amendment
The Town began 2021 in a solid financial position as a result of actions taken by the Town Council to mitigate possible financial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic resiliency of the Town’s local businesses. Revenues generated in the Town’s major funds in 2020 exceeded budget by 8% and expenditures were well under budget, mainly due to capital project deferrals and the diligence of Town staff to focus on reducing expenditures as much as possible during this time.
With economic uncertainties still prevailing during preparation of the 2021 budget, this budget was adopted with conservative appropriations for capital projects with direction to re-evaluate the Town’s financial position in the spring of 2021. Staff presented Council with recommended changes to the Town’s financial position since adoption of the budget and information to reconsider additional capital appropriations and other items not requested during the budget process. Staff recommended only those projects likely to be able to fit within contractor and staff current workloads, as major capital projects would likely be impossible to schedule and/or complete this late in the year.
During this work session discussion, Council requested the 2021 budget amendment reflect the following revisions:
Council approved increases to revenue sources recommended by staff as follows:
- The Town is eligible for $681,000 Federal funding under the American Rescue Plan and expects to receive 50% of that amount within 30 days, with the remainder to be remitted to the Town within the next year. The budget amendment will include $340,000 (50%) as a revenue increase in the budget amendment.
- Additionally, staff is also proposing a revenue budget amendment in the Marina Fund to increase the rental revenues by $200,000, from $900,000 to $1.1M. Staff believes this revenue increase proposal reasonable with the increase in rental boat rates, along with the continued high demand for rental boats.
Council revisited discussions regarding re-allocations of funding within the Lodging Tax Fund. At this time, no changes to allocations within this fund were requested. Council would like this fund to remain as it is for the time being, recognizing there are future plans to upgrade the bathroom facilities at the Information Center and that funding for this facility could appropriately come from this fund.
Council approved the following staff and Council recommended changes to the 2021 budgeted expenditures as follows:
- Replenish the funding to complete the Walter Byron Park – $350,000
- Restore additional funding for storm water and asphalt repair – $50,000 each
- Eliminate $15,000 in funding set aside to redesign the Town Hall atrium
- Increase funding for the GAP project – $150,000
- Add funding for the police department remodel – $600,000
- Add funding to study viability of community ice amenity – $50,000
- Provide funding for administrative services at the Marina – $120,000
- Funding for unfilled positions and re-establish employee benefits – $189,582
- Funding to re-organize personnel in General Fund and Marina Funds – $467,154
- Transfer $25,000 budgeted for VIC Bathroom design from Capital Improvement Fund to Lodging Tax Fund
These changes will be presented to Council as a formal 2021 budget amendment at the April 27, 2021 Council Meeting.
2020/2021 Strategic Plan Update
Staff presented Town Council with an update on the progress of Council priorities outlined in the 2020/2021 strategic plan. The past year brought unexpected and extraordinary circumstances to address the global pandemic resulting from COVID-19. While the pandemic delayed some of the Town of Frisco’s strategic plan priorities, the Town responded expeditiously to the needs of the community during the economic and health crisis, and many of the goals and priorities established by Council are still on track. In January of 2021, the Town Council worked with Insights Collective, a think-tank of resort destination experts to develop future scenarios for the Town to clarify and strengthen the Town’s strategic priorities, and provide a decision-making framework for moving forward.
Agreement for Architecture Services for the Village Center Building at the Frisco Adventure Park
Town Council approved a contract between the Town of Frisco and OLC Design for architecture services to build the Village Center Building at the Frisco Adventure Park. On February 1, 2021, staff released a request for proposal (RFP) for the Village Center Building design – a 5,000 to 7,000 square foot building that will meet the most pressing demands for space at the PRA including administrative, programing, and storage for the tubing operation. Upon interviewing all responding firms, staff recommended Denver-based OLC Designs based on experience specific to multi-purpose recreational facilities, as well as mountain environments. In addition, OLC has shown enthusiasm and the ability to complete the project on time and within budget. OLC also completed the Summit County Fieldhouse Feasibility Study in 2019, and as a result, has a good working knowledge of the area. The contract amount may not to exceed $197,670.
In 2019, the Town of Frisco budgeted for a new operations building at the Peninsula Recreation Area (PRA) and approved a design/build contract, but due to construction costs and concerns regarding the site location, current and future programming needs and the lack of a comprehensive vision for the PRA, Council directed staff to pursue a more comprehensive planning effort before building any new amenities.
Staff worked with consultants from Lose Design to develop the Comprehensive Vision and Project Implementation Plan for the PRA, which was Council adopted on October 27, 2020. This plan establishes a framework for improvements based on revenue potential, operational needs, and overall enhancement to the PRA. Based on this plan, Town Council allocated $200,000 in the 2021 budget to develop design plans and a construction estimate for the Village Center Building.
General Discussion / Action on COVID19 Response
Staff provided Council with an update on the Frisco Pedestrian Promenade after Council made the decision during the March 9, 2021 meeting to move forward with plans to open the Main Street Pedestrian Promenade for the summer of 2021.
- Staff are currently working with CDOT on traffic plans for both the Gap project and the Promenade.
- Staff are also working to make sure alcohol licensing is still valid for outdoor consumption.
- Staff is also working to plan for aesthetically improved infrastructure. Also, staff is collaborating with MakeFrisco on plans to include more public art within the Promenade.
- There is a formal discussion regarding Promenade planning, implementation, and need scheduled for the April 27 Town Council meeting.