A Proclamation Honoring Public Safety Dispatchers
Frisco Town Council presented a proclamation to honor public safety dispatchers who are a critical link between the public and emergency service personnel. Public safety dispatchers answer 9-1-1 calls, dispatch appropriate fire, medical, and law enforcement resources, monitor radio activities, provide vital information, and ensure public safety for all. Summit County 9-1-1 Center dispatchers have provided services to the residents and visitors of Summit County with compassion and professionalism since 1976, and Frisco Town Council proclaimed the week of April 14-20, 2024 “National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week”.
Planning Commission Appointments
During the April 9 meeting, Town Council reappointed Kelsey Withrow, April Connelly, and Ira Tane to four year terms on the Frisco Planning Commission.
A Resolution Appointing a Special Counsel for Tax Matters
Article VI, Section 6-1(d) of the Frisco Town Charter authorizes Town Council to employ special legal counsel to serve under Council’s direction. There has been a need identified to employ counsel that specializes in sales and lodging taxes, as taxation is a highly specialized area of law outside of the Frisco Town attorney’s scope of expertise. The Town currently faces a specific tax dispute and understands that future disputes may also arise and create additional needs for this type of expertise.
The Frisco Town attorney and Town staff have received recommendations regarding Patrick Wilson, who is a highly regarded attorney with Hoffmann, Parker, Wilson, & Carberry P.C. Mr. Wilson concentrates his practice in real estate, development, and local government and public infrastructure matters, including eminent domain, quiet title, land use, and tax and administrative law issues. The meeting packet included a letter of engagement with the law firm of Hoffmann, Parker, Wilson, & Carberry P.C. as special counsel for tax matters.
Town Council approved Resolution 24-22 retaining the law firm of Hoffmann, Parker, Wilson, & Carberry P.C.
Resolution Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement for Water Service to Nellie’s Neighborhood
At the February 28, 2023 Council meeting, Town Council considered a request from Summit County for a “will serve” letter for water service at its proposed workforce housing development within the Bill’s Ranch Subdivision, named Nellie’s Neighborhood. The application for extra-territorial water service was submitted in July 2023. Summit County proposed that the water service be provided in accordance with the 2001 Water Service Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) and its 2018 First Amendment between the Town of Frisco and Summit County. However, the existing agreement did not allow for water service outside of the County Commons. Therefore, the Town Council directed staff to negotiate an amendment to the Water Service Agreement to permit water service in the Bill’s Ranch Subdivision while aligning with the Town’s water use requirements. The second amendment to the IGA for water services addressed these objectives and was passed during the February 27, 2024 Council meeting. The second amendment allows up to 15 EQRs to be used for Nellie’s Neighborhood, requires the Clinton Ditch and Reservoir Company shares to be transferred to the Town prior to issuance of the tap, and prohibits the outdoor use of water, except for limited hand-watering and vegetation-establishment exceptions.
Following the recent approval of the second amendment to the County Commons IGA, the Town is now able to provide a water service agreement for Nellie’s Neighborhood in accordance with the IGA and the extra-territorial water requirements of the Town Code. The proposed IGA will provide 15 residential water tap equivalents (EQRs) for 15 workforce housing units at Nellie’s Neighborhood. The IGA requires the following water service pre-conditions from the County:
- Transfer 3.9 Class A, Series 1, shares of the Clinton Ditch and Reservoir Company to the Town
- Provide written confirmation from the Frisco Sanitation District that the property is connected to and served by the Sanitation District
- Establish a restrictive covenant binding Nellie’s Neighborhood to restrictions on the outdoor use of water.
Town Council approved Resolution 24-20 to authorize Mayor Mortensen to sign the intergovernmental agreement for water service at Nellie’s Neighborhood.
Frisco Town Council Meetings: Ways to Participate
Frisco Town Council meetings are available to view via Zoom and YouTube, and are also held in person to make Town Council meetings easier to access for everyone.
The public can provide comment during meetings via Zoom or in person (not YouTube), and a public comment period will be available at 7:00pm; during the consideration of ordinances; and at the discretion of Town Council during work session items, which are discussions that don’t require a formal vote by Town Council and do not require public comment. Again, this hybrid approach is intended to make Town Council meetings more accessible, and meeting recordings will typically also be made available the day after a meeting in the meeting archive with agenda topics bookmarked to the discussions in the video.