The Town of Frisco offers a number of free programs designed to minimize your household or business environmental footprint.
Waste Reduction
We are always looking for innovative and sustainable waste reduction and diversion opportunities to do our part in protecting our natural environment. Our current programs include community-wide recycling, free compost for residents, and new ordinances with volume-based trash and recycling services. Make sure to stop by the Visitor Information Center and grab your free reusable metal water bottles!
Frisco residents and businesses are eligible to participate in the Solarize Summit program to receive up to $1,800 in rebates for installing solar energy systems through this program. More information for 2023 is coming soon, and a waitlist signup for 2023 is available.
The Resource Wise Business Program is a voluntary free program that recognizes and encourages businesses to add sustainability strategies into their day to day operations. The program promotes energy savings and waste reduction opportunities for businesses, which in turn also helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The Energy Smart Program partnership between the Town of Frisco and HC3 is a voluntary residential program to assist homeowners in making energy improvements. An Energy Smart auditor will perform a home safety and energy audit of your home, after which, the program will assist homeowners in implementing energy upgrades to their homes.
To find out more visit the Energy Smart Program page on HC3’s website or call HC3 at 970-668-5703.
Water Efficiency
The Town of Frisco offers a number of programs geared towards water efficiency for businesses and residents as part of its Water Efficiency Plan, including a fixture rebate program, sprinkler efficiency program, and indoor water efficiency checkups. Learn more here.
Check back in June 2023 for details and updates on this seasonal offering.
Sign up for a water checkup focusing on faucets, toilets and showerheads, the biggest water users inside the home. Includes free direct installs and rebates for homeowners who complete a recommended water efficiency project.
This program can help Frisco water users save water and money and improve their own personal water infrastructure by receiving up to $100 in rebates for replacing an old fixture with a WaterSense approved fixture. Replacing old fixtures- including toilets, faucets and shower heads, will improve efficiency and possibly eliminate sources of lead*.
Up to a $100 rebate per device is available for a maximum $1,000 in rebates per location.
The rebate per fixture may not exceed the price of the fixture.
Rebates will be available for WaterSense approved fixtures purchased as of January 1, 2019 with proof of purchase and location inspection will be required.
There are a limited amount of rebates available.
More information about WaterSense approved fixtures may be found at