The Town of Frisco has long shown thoughtfulness around sustainability issues through efforts like zero waste events, installing solar on town buildings, and purchasing hybrid town vehicles. In their 2019-2020 Strategic Plan, Frisco Town Council committed to doing even more to collaboratively protect and sustain our treasured environment by ensuring new development achieves a balance between the natural and built environment, and implementing initiatives to address climate change and protect our vibrant mountain resources.
In April 2019, Frisco Town Council adopted the 2019 Summit Community Climate Action Plan through a resolution. The Plan is the product of the Summit Climate Action Collaborative, a group of communities, businesses and organizations who funded and provided input on the plan. In addition to helping Frisco fulfill its own sustainability goals, the Climate Action Plan helps the Town meet our Compact for Colorado Communities commitments, which Frisco signed on to in September 2017. The Plan sets overall goals to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Summit County 50% by 2030 and 80% by 2050, outlining these key priorities:
The Town of Frisco is developing its first-ever Community Action and Resiliency Plan to support community resilience and adaptation through climate education, policy, programs, and infrastructure. The Town is creating the plan based on community input, best practices, and technical analysis. The Plan will offer a Frisco-specific roadmap that will serve as a guide for the next five years, building upon the 2019 Summit Community Climate Action Plan.
In October 2022, the Town of Frisco adopted an Energy Action Plan through Xcel Energy’s Partners in Energy with a vision, goal, and strategies to guide Frisco towards a renewable future. The Plan supports the Town’s existing resolution to reach 100% renewable energy by 2035, and our support of the Summit Community Climate Action Plan. During this 7-month process, the Energy Action Team selected four focus areas to prioritize strategies and resources: residents, businesses & institutions, municipal facilities, and regional partnerships. The team identified several strategies to include education, outreach, support, expanded rebates, and expansion of the Solarize Summit program to meet energy goals.
Check out the programs offered by the Town of Frisco, HC3, and Xcel Energy that can help you save energy and money!
Town of Frisco residents and businesses are eligible to participate in the Solarize Summit program to receive up to $1,500 in rebates for installing solar energy systems through this program. While Solarize Summit rebates are sold out for Breckenridge and Summit County homeowners, HC3 still has a few $1500 rebates for Frisco residents! Learn more by visiting High Country Conservation Center – you can also join their waitlist for 2024.
Not ready for a solar installation? Homeowners, renters, and businesses can still benefit from renewable energy by signing up for Xcel’s wind and solar energy subscriptions.
We are always looking for innovative and sustainable waste reduction and diversion opportunities to do our part in protecting our natural environment. Our current programs include community-wide recycling, free compost, and new ordinances with volume-based trash and recycling services.
The Town of Frisco is committed to protecting the quantity and quality of our water. We offer several programs that empower and incentivize Frisco residents and businesses to conserve water and lower their water bill.
In an ongoing effort to encourage use of electric vehicles, the Town of Frisco added two new dual-port electric vehicle charging stations on 3rd Avenue between Main Street and Granite Street for a total of five dual-port charging stations. There are also EV chargers at the Frisco Bay Marina by the playground and at the Frisco Adventure Day Lodge. Frisco was awarded a grant from Charge Ahead Colorado to install the multi-port stations.