Anyone renting their Frisco property, or seeking to rent a property in Frisco, for less than a consecutive thirty-day period, is required to have a Short-Term Rental License and should be aware of the town’s regulations for Short-Term Rentals (STR). These regulations apply regardless of how the properties are marketed – through a management company, online through sites like Vrbo and Airbnb, newspaper, or word of mouth.
The annual renewal period for STR licenses is from February 20 to April 30, with a fee of $250. Licenses expire on April 30th and must be renewed by this date to avoid expiration.
Frisco’s short-term rental licenses are limited to 25% of the residential housing units in Frisco, allowing a maximum of 900 STR licenses currently.
Read the full Town of Frisco ordinance regarding short-term rental licenses:
On October 11, 2022, Town Council adopted Ordinance 22-10, limiting the maximum allowable number of STR licenses that may be issued within Town boundaries to 25% of the residential housing stock. The ordinance went into effect on October 17, 2022. There are 3,600 residential housing units in Frisco, therefore a maximum of 900 STR licenses may be issued.
Due to reaching the STR license cap, a waitlist system is in place for new license applications. Recent applicants in 2023-2024 have spent six to nine months on the waitlist. Due to the various factors that influence real estate transactions, such as market conditions, the estimated time a property will be on the waitlist is unknown.
On February 23, 2023, Frisco reached its short-term rental license cap and is now implementing a waitlist for those wishing to apply for a short-term rental license. To be placed on the waitlist:
Complete and submit the form below. A non-refundable $25 waitlist application fee will be applied and is separate from the STR license application fee.
Short-term rental license holders within the Town of Frisco are required to remit all applicable taxes. The total tax to be collected and remitted for each booking is 15.725%.
Regulations and requirements for short-term rentals outline expectations and provide guidance to STR license holders on how to offer a safe and pleasant experience for their guests, as well as for their neighbors.
The Town of Frisco has a 24-hour Short-Term Rental complaint hotline with GovOS/Munirevs to report non-emergency issues such as parking, noise, trash, or occupancy-limit violations, or to report a suspected unregistered short-term rental property. Please call 970-432-8291.