Liquor, Tobacco, and Marijuana Licensing
The Town Clerk’s office stands ready to assist businesses with liquor, tobacco, and marijuana licensing questions from businesses located within the Town of Frisco. The best way to get in touch is via email located in the contact info on the right side of this page.
For questions regarding Town sales tax/business licensing, the Finance Department can assist you with the Frisco Business and Sales Tax License.
Liquor Licensing
Town Alcoholic Beverage Special Event Permits
Alcoholic Beverage Special Event Permits can be applied for directly to the Town Clerk. Events and applying entities must meet all of the following requirements set by State Law:
- The event is happening within the Town limits of Frisco,
- The event is open to the public and involves the sale or distribution of alcohol,
- The applying entity is a not-for-profit organization, registered in good standing with the Colorado Secretary of State’s Office, and
- Applications must be submitted with the $100 fee payment, no less than 30 days from the start of the event
Alcoholic Beverage Tastings Permits
- The applicant/liquor store license is held at a business physically located within the Town limits of Frisco
- The applicant/liquor store licensee has read and complies with all applicable Town Code, State Regulations (such as but not limited to 47-313 and 47-605), and State Statute that regulate Tasting Events
- There is no need to apply for a State Tastings Permit within the Town of Frisco
- All persons conducting tastings must become certified through a Responsible Beverage Vendor
- Fill out the online Alcoholic Beverage Tastings Permit form below, submit online payment or check
- Fee is $10 per listed Tastings Event on the application
- Applying for a Tastings Permit does not automatically imply approval – applicants must wait for written approval from the Town Clerk’s Office prior to conducting any Tastings Events
Town Liquor Licenses
Frisco Town Council acts as the Local Licensing Authority for businesses located in the Town’s limits. State statute and Town code govern liquor licensing in Frisco. Please reach out to the Town Clerk via email for more information about how to get started.
State Liquor Licenses
The Town will coordinate paperwork and fees owed to the State with your initial application to the Town. There is no separate action to be taken with the State regarding liquor licensing, the Town Clerk will facilitate your State license.
New Applications or Transfers of Liquor Licenses
- Determine the type of liquor license you are seeking from C.R.S. 44-3-103. You can also look up a similar business on the State of Colorado website to see which type of liquor license they hold. On the DR8404 form, only apply for a license type with the “(City)” indication.
- Begin the Colorado Liquor Retail License Application (DR8404), paying close attention to the checklist on Page two (2) regarding which documents you will need to provide. This will form the bulk of your application.
- Each individual with 10% or more ownership in the applying entity will need to fill out the, Authorization to Release, and get fingerprinted (see below).
- Make an appointment online at to get fingerprinted for required criminal history reporting. The closest location is in Breckenridge at the Summit County Sheriff’s Office. Walk-ins are not accepted for fingerprinting at the Sheriff’s Office for this purpose. You must input the correct service code (25YQ6K or “Liquor Licensing – Local City C.R.S. 44-3-307) and the correct recipient (Frisco Town Clerk). Do not send your results to the County, State, or any law enforcement agency – it will cause you to have to get fingerprinted again, pay all applicable fees for that service again, and those initial reports will be irretrievable by the Frisco Town Clerk.
- The Town Clerk’s Office is required by statute to hold applications for a minimum of 30 days from the date they are deemed complete by the Town Clerk. New license applications undergo a needs and desires (petition) process, and a public hearing at a Frisco Town Council meeting, after a minimum 30-day from the date the applications were deemed complete.
- Complete the Individual History Record/DR8404-I form for each person who owns 10% or more of the applying entity.
- If the registered manager is not an owner, then they must also complete the Individual History Record/DR8404-I form.
- Electronic (email) submissions of liquor licensing forms and fees are not accepted by the Town Clerk. All forms must be submitted as one-sided, hard copy, all at once, by appointment only with the Town Clerk. Only checks are able to be accepted for new application fee payments to the Town.
- Once fingerprinting and paperwork are completed and gathered, email the Town Clerk for an application review appointment (can be virtual or in person)
Liquor License Renewals
- Please fill out the DR8400 & DR8495 Renewal Form Packet
- Fees:
- Dollar amounts vary depending on type of liquor license held
- Send an email to Town Clerk to confirm fees owed to the Town and State
- State fee: can be paid online at the State of Colorado website by scrolling down to “Online Payment” button
- For On-Premise Takeout & Delivery Permitholders, add $11.00 to your State fee
- For Off-Premise Delivery Permitholders, no additional fee
- Town fee: Pay by check or online through your Town XPress Billpay account
- Submit: coordinate submission of paperwork with Town Clerk prior to submitting
Liquor License Modifications
- To register a new manager, modify the physical premise temporarily or permanently for a liquor license already approved in Frisco, fill out the DR8442 Report of Changes Form and submit with appropriate supplemental documentation and fee(s) to the Town Clerk.
Liquor License Ownership Changes
- To modify the ownership of a liquor-licensed business, use the DR8177 Ownership Change Form and submit with appropriate supplemental documentation and fee(s) to the Town Clerk.
Tobacco Retail Licensing
Town Nicotine Licenses
Upon the passing of Summit County Measure 1A in the coordinated election held in November 2019, Town Council adopted Ordinance 19-15 establishing a Nicotine sales licensing process in the Town of Frisco and moving the minimum age for purchase of Nicotine products to 21 years starting January 1, 2020. In order to sell nicotine products applicable under Ordinance 19-15, businesses located within the Town limits of Frisco must maintain a current Town Nicotine Retail Products License. To apply for the first time, or to renew, click on the “Nicotine License Application” button below. The fee is $600 for new or renewal of existing applications. The licensing period is January 1 – December 31, no matter what time in the year the application for licensure is made.
State Tobacco Licenses
Businesses selling nicotine products must contact the State of Colorado in addition to the Town Clerk, for information about how to obtain and maintain a State of Colorado Tobacco License. Contact the State of Colorado Tobacco Enforcement Division directly.
Marijuana Licensing
Medical and retail (sometimes referred to as “recreational”) marijuana licenses with the Town and State of Colorado are required in order to sell marijuana in the Town of Frisco. To inquire about Marijuana Licenses, begin with sending the physical address of the desired location to the Town Clerk. New Marijuana License applications are subject to distance requirements that live in Chapter 180 of Frisco’s Town Code. Review distances requirements before inquiring with Town Clerk regarding a Marijuana license application.