The Frisco Town Council meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Agendas and Materials Packets are posted by the Thursday at noon prior to the meeting. Anyone may attend in person or virtually via Zoom, and a livestream is also available on Frisco’s government YouTube Channel.
Email the Town Clerk in advance of Council Work Sessions and Regular Meetings for assistance or information is needed regarding Town Council meeting access.
Meeting ID: 860 0393 7865
Passcode: 98231
One Tap Mobile: +17193594580,,86003937865# US
The Frisco Planning Commission meets the first and third Thursday of each month. Meeting agendas and packets are posted by the Friday before the meeting. All times and dates are subject to change. The public and interested persons may attend in person or virtually via Zoom. A live stream is also available through the Town of Frisco’s Government YouTube Channel.
Meeting ID: 853 4458 0760
Passcode: 99571
One Tap Mobile: +17193594580,,85344580760# US
Contact Kimberly Jackson, Planner I, if additional assistance is needed for Planning Commission meeting access.