Town News

Catch Up with Council, September 22, 2020 – PRA Plan, Rental Assistance Program, New Marina Building Design Contract, COVID-19 Response

AT&T Mobile Service Update

Staff has been working with AT&T to improve cell service in Frisco. Subsequently, AT&T has funded an immediate plan to install two small cell towers – one at Public Works and one at the fire station in the next two months to take the load of the macro tower on the Dillon Dam Road. AT&T will also install two small cell “towers” on Main Street next summer to further improve cell coverage.

Peninsula Recreation Area Comprehensive Vision and Project Implementation Plan

In August 2019, the Town of Frisco contracted with Lose Design to complete a Comprehensive Vision and Project Implementation Plan for the Peninsula Recreation Area (PRA). After significant community outreach, the plan was presented to Town Council.  

The Plan presented to Council is an in-depth design evaluation that considers current uses and facilities, previous ideas and reports, community input, and desired future uses. The Plan aligns any proposed improvements and enhancements with three goals:

1) Revenue-generating opportunities

2) Operational efficiencies

3) Value-added enhancements

The Plan is a road map intended to be implemented over time in alignment with community needs and feedback and fiscal considerations. The Plan encompass many components, including better facilities for Nordic and tubing operations, more adequate bathroom and community gathering facilities, more dedicated spaces for youth programs, trail improvements, and much more. The total cost for implementing all of the proposed improvements and enhancements contained in the Plan totals over $30M, but components would not be funded in one chunk, and instead, would be would be phased in over years if still seen as needed and relevant.

Council provided input for Plan revisions, including direction to remove summer tubing from the Plan, and the Plan will be presented for Town Council formal approval at the October 13, 2020 Town Council meeting.

Town of Frisco Rental Assistance Program Update

On April 7, 2020, the Town Council approved the Residential Rental Assistance Grant Program in response to the economic hardship incurred by individuals due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

The Residential Rental Assistance program provided grants to aid individuals who live or work in Frisco and who lost their jobs due to the pandemic. Town Council allocated up to $250,000 for this program, plus an additional one-time payment of $37,500 to the Family Intercultural Resource Center (FIRC) for administration of the program.

As of September 11, 2020, the Residential Assistance Program has assisted 175 clients with a total expenditure of $179,843, and therefore, $70,157 remains available.

FIRC has indicated that they have received inquiries from those who had received an initial grant about whether a second round of funding could be made available.

Council gave staff direction to extend the program to allow those in need to be eligible for a second round of assistance, and this revision to the Residential Rental Assistance Grant Program resolution will be voted on by Council during the October 13, 2020 Town Council meeting.

Excel Energy Project at the Frisco Bay Marina

To accommodate many of the upgrades being made at the Marina under the direction of the Frisco Marina Park Master Plan, including a new lift station, electric vehicle charging stations, fuel system upgrades, new buildings, power to the docks, etc…, additional electric service infrastructure is needed.

Staff began working with Xcel in the fall of 2019 on upgrade designs, including the extension of 3-phase power, three transformers, and stub-out for future phases. Total cost to the Town is $179,412.88. Xcel could start this work in early November 2020.

Council approved entering into a contractual agreement with Xcel for the additional electric service infrastructure at the Frisco Bay Marina.

Resolution Approving an Agreement with Stais Architecture & Interiors for Design Work at the Frisco Bay Marina Without a Competitive Bidding Process

Council approved a sole-source services contract with Stais Architecture & Interiors for the continuation of design services for the new retail, services, and office building at the Marina which expands the retail space, staff offices, and support spaces in a single story, wood frame building atop a concrete slab foundation. This building would sit on a portion of the currently vacant land created during the 2019 “Big Dig” project.  

This contract includes completing construction drawings, assisting with bidding and permitting, and serving in the construction administrative role for the duration of the construction project, as well as site work for the building and turnaround area.

Under the Town Code, the Town Council is authorized to approve a contract for goods or services without a competitive bidding process when, in the opinion of the Council, the goods or services are best obtained from a single source due to specialized skills, knowledge or experience, unique and relevant experience, knowledge of the Town or exceptional qualifications or reputation in the field.

COVID-19 Response Ongoing General Discussion / Action

  • After consideration of weather, visitation levels, and business demand, Council decided to close the Main Street Frisco Pedestrian Promenade on Monday, October 5, 2020.  This means that businesses on the Promenade will have until approximately 10 am on October 5 to remove any of their equipment, furniture, fencing… on Main Street so Frisco Public Works can work concurrently to ready Main Street for vehicular traffic by late afternoon on October 5. While the current forecast is dry and warm, the start of fall has brought colder temperatures, earlier sunsets, and reduced crowds which indicate the need to pivot operations.     
  • Council had a discussion regarding the new parklets (think small decks that fit into parking spaces), which Public Works is currently constructing with support from a $60,000 Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) grant. The Town of Frisco applied for, and received this parklet grant from CDOT as a way to help businesses adapt to changing conditions and restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Some parklets are expected to be ready for deployment by mid-October on Frisco Main Street or anywhere else in Frisco where allowed and possible (check with those HOAs!). The parklets are designed to withstand snow load and harsh conditions. Any business interested in parklets in front of their business should contact Don Reimer at