Downtown Complete Streets Plan Draft Review
Town staff and the consultant team from Toole Design gave a presentation on the Downtown Complete Streets Plan. The presentation included an overview of the planning and community engagement process, as well as a detailed review of the draft document. Council offered feedback on the plan and the proposed priorities for policy changes and implementation projects.
The Town’s Community Plan and the Frisco Trails Master Plan both include goals related to improving the Town’s multi-modal transportation network, preservation of a walkable community, and the development of complete street policies in order to improve opportunities for safe and efficient multi-modal transportation throughout the community. As a result, the Frisco Town Council prioritized the creation of a complete streets plan for downtown Frisco that is inclusive, forward thinking, and implementable as one of their 2021 Strategic Plan Goals.
The Downtown Complete Streets Draft Report is the culmination of several months of studying the existing conditions of the project area, gathering community input, designing, and refining proposed street cross sections, and identifying key projects and priorities to help advance Town goals for enhanced multi-modal access for the downtown area.
The public is invited to review and comment on the plan by February 18, 2022. After this date, final comment will be reviewed and incorporated into the final plan, which will go before Town Council for adoption in late March.
Marina Phase II Site and Landscape Design
Council approved the schematic design and general scope of work for the final elements of Phase 2 of the Frisco Bay Marina project, and directed staff to work with Stais Architecture and Interiors (SAI) to prepare construction documents for solicitation of a qualified contractor.
Implementation of the Frisco Marina Park Master Plan started in 2019 with the Big Dig excavation project. Phase Two projects currently underway and nearing completion include the lift station and deep utility work, the office and boater services building, and the fuel system.
On November 30, 2021, Council directed staff to pursue a contract with Stais Architecture to design the remainder of the Phase Two improvements, which includes the landscaping and site work required to complete the access, circulation, and planting improvements in the area around the new office building, the Island Grill, the beach, and dock area.
SAI and their design team, consisting of Norris Design and Murraysmith Engineering, has been working with staff to develop schematic designs for these elements, including a cohesive landscape and circulation plan to improve site circulation and integrate new and old facilities together. The plan illustrates the importance of the connection between the Marina and Main Street, guest arrival and circulation, and functional use spaces that complement existing facilities.
Town Council allocated $900,000 in 2022 from the Marina Fund Capital Improvements budget for Master Plan Implementation at the Marina. The proposed agreement with Stais Architecture and Interiors is for a cost not to exceed $219,760. This will leave a balance of approximately $680,000 for implementation in 2022 with projects focusing on the three acres of land next to the lake and east of the Island Grill and Lund House that were created during the Big Dig. Designs include a large lawn, shaded seating areas, and path improvements. Future additions to the area may include a new playground near the beach area and a small pavilion near the boat ramp.
Strategic Plan Update
Staff presented a look back at 2020-2021 projects and a look forward at 2022 projects in support of Council’s Strategic Plan, in order to review the progress that has been made on Council’s strategic priorities, to confirm ongoing priorities, and to establish the project plan for 2022.
In 2019, the Town Council identified and established five high-priority goals, actions to achieve those goals and evolved this into the Strategic Plan.
The Strategic Plan informs the Town budget, department priorities, Town projects, and programs. The plan also includes measurable milestones and supports accountability at all levels. Staff updated and presented a Strategic Plan update to Council on November 10, 2020 based on Council’s redefined goals and priorities and has continued to work on the projects in support of those goals. Discussion highlights:
Inclusive Community
- Council reaffirmed their priority to develop a long-term workforce housing, which includes a ten-year housing capital plan, continued work on housing programs such as Housing Helps and Housing Locals, and changes to the development code to encourage housing. Council directed staff to continue pursuing grants and partnerships to assist in the forward motion on projects. Council also expressed the need to sharpen the metrics that measure success in long-term workforce housing.
- Council reaffirmed their support for childcare and moving forward with the childcare assistance program, which will be rolled out in the next few months.
- Council directed staff to pursue improvements to the audio-visual system at Town Hall in order to make Town Council meetings and any other civic engagement opportunities more inclusive.
Thriving Economy
- Council asserted the importance of rebuilding a local workforce, which is closely linked to housing and childcare, as crucial to maintaining a thriving economy.
- Council also directed staff to continue to improve fiber infrastructure by continuing to install conduit and to start a planning process for a fiber network.
- Council also reminded staff to pursue grants with the support of the Town’s lobbyist for every significant project the Town has.
Quality Core Services
- Council directed staff to move forward with a Police Department expansion and remodel in support of quality service to the community and retention and recruitment of police staff.
- Council affirmed their support of evaluating Town employee benefits and pay in order to encourage retention and recruitment
- Council directed staff to continue to move forward with the restroom remodel and addition of an access ramp in the front of the Information Center
- Council directed staff to develop a systematic approach to process future water requests from residents outside of Town limits.
Sustainable Environment
- Council directed staff to continue to implement programs that support the Countywide Climate Action Plan.
- Council affirmed the need to continue with water projects that support the quality of Frisco water and promote water conservation.
- Council directed staff to move forward with projects that support paperless transactions for business licenses, sales and lodging tax collection, and water billing.
Vibrant Recreation and Culture
- Council supported the Phase II improvements at the Frisco Bay Marina presented earlier in the meeting along with boat ramp repairs and the construction of the new Slopeside Hall building at the Frisco Adventure Park.
- Council directed staff to continue with implementation of the Parks Master Plan with projects at Walter Byron Park and Meadow Creek Park, in addition to ice skating upgrades at Meadow Creek Pond.
- Council also supported the ongoing planning for trails and wildfire mitigation in the Mount Royal/Peaks Trail area, in addition to ongoing trail development at the Peninsula Recreation Area.
- Council directed staff to continue with efforts to increase and encourage art in public spaces with an arts and culture strategic plan and the formation of an arts council, which will grow out of this planning effort.
Over 50 projects which were presented in support of Council’s strategic goals and priorities. A full list of projects in the form of a project plan will be provided to Council based on their feedback at a future meeting.
Frisco Town Council Meetings: Ways to Participate
Frisco Town Council meetings are available to view via Zoom and YouTube, and are also held in person to make Town Council meetings easier to access for everyone.
The public can provide comment during meetings via Zoom or in person (not YouTube), and a public comment period will be available at 7:00pm; during the consideration of ordinances; and at the discretion of Town Council during work session items, which are discussions that don’t require a formal vote by Town Council and do not require public comment.
Again, this hybrid approach is intended to make Town Council meetings more accessible, and meeting recordings will typically also be made available the day after a meeting in the meeting archive with agenda topics bookmarked to the discussions in the video.