New state and federal laws require that water providers inventory all water service lines in their service area. A service line is the underground pipe that carries water from the main water pipe, usually in the street, into your home or building. These new laws require that water providers determine and confirm the material that your service line is made of, which means that we will need your help.
Service lines are often copper, plastic, lead, or galvanized iron or steel and are owned by and serviced by the homeowner and not the water service provider. Older homes and buildings may have a lead service line, although this is very unlikely in Frisco, as the Town banned lead in service lines starting in 1968. Frisco’s drinking water leaving our treatment plants and main water lines have been determined free from lead, and Frisco’s water mains do not contain lead. However, water can absorb lead as it travels through lead service lines on its way to your faucet, and lead has been found to potentially cause serious health problems.
The Town does not have any reason to believe that there are lead service lines in Frisco based on testing and years of experience with the whole water system, but state and federal laws are requiring confirmation of service line materials from homeowners which is why we you are receiving this request to fill out the attached survey and provide photographs of your service line. Although it is unlikely, if it is determined that your residence has a lead service line, then we will need to work together to take steps to reduce your lead exposure risk. Knowing your service line material is very important for your health, safety, piece of mind, and to the Town’s ability to comply with state and federal laws. We thank you for taking this request seriously and partnering with the Town on this survey project.
As your water provider, we need to determine the material of your water service line to ensure safe drinking water and to comply with new regulations. A service line, which is owned and maintained by the home/property owner, is the underground pipe that carries water from the water main, likely in the street, into your home or building. Refer to the image in the form below on how to locate your water service line and identify its material.
Please complete the brief survey below to see if your service line contains lead. Please complete the online form and include a photo of your service line as soon as possible. Thank you!