The Town of Frisco has released its annual Community Report, formerly known as the Community Scorecard for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2021. The Frisco Community Report serves as a Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR) by providing community members and businesses an accessible and easy-to-understand overview of the Town’s financial position along with the Town’s progress on meeting its five strategic priorities: Economy, Community, Environment, Core Services, and Culture, Arts, & Recreation.
The Community Report summarizes more than 100 pages of the Town’s Annual Comprehensive Financial Report, a detailed and complete financial presentation prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and audited by the Town’s independent auditors, McMahan and Associates, LLC.
In 2021, the Town of Frisco received an award for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) for its Popular Annual Financial Report, the 2020 Community Scorecard. This prestigious national award recognizes conformance with the highest standards for creativity, understandability, and reader appeal for state and local government popular reports. The Town produced the 2021 Community Report in accordance to the Popular Annual Financial Reporting requirements and the Town will again submit the report to the GFOA.
The Town of Frisco aims to be transparent on its use of taxpayer money and the services it provides as a result. In addition to the Community Report and the Annual Comprehensive report, the Town’s Finance Department provides the Monthly Financial Report to Town Council on the fourth Tuesday of each month and posts the report on as well.
To see the Frisco Community Report, the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report, or monthly financial reports, please visit
Any questions regarding the Community Report or the Town’s financial reporting process may be directed to Town of Frisco Finance Director Leslie Edwards.