Proclamation of Appreciation for Volunteers During COVID-19 Pandemic
Mayor Mortensen read a proclamation expressing appreciation for the 221 residents of Frisco and Summit County who are volunteering in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic by assisting with getting over 23,000 vaccinations in arms during Summit County vaccine drives and clinics. Widespread vaccination and subsequent herd immunity is the most effective way to prevent illness or death from COVID-19 and to support a return to our vibrant family, educational, social, and cultural lives and to economic wellbeing.
The Town of Frisco recognizes the extraordinary public health effort on the part of volunteers, which has propelled Summit County to the 5th highest percentage of vaccinated residents out of 64 Colorado counties and is grateful to those who keep our community’s strength and wellbeing foremost in their hearts, regardless of inconvenience or personal cost. The Town of Frisco acknowledges that there are better, brighter days ahead because of these volunteers.
Acquisition of a Historic Cabin in Bills Ranch
Town Council accepted a donation of a historic log cabin from Summit County resident, Mr. Craig Mansfield, along with a monetary donation of $5,000 to help with costs associated with removing the cabin from his property, located at 72 Goldfinch Lane (CR 1028). After review by Frisco Historic Park & Museum staff, it was determined the cabin was constructed in 1932 on the Bill Thomas Ranch, now known as the Bill’s Ranch Neighborhood and represents a significant piece of Frisco’s history.
A permanent location for the cabin has not been established at this time, and moving the cabin will require disassembly and storage until an appropriate location/use may be determined. The cost of moving and storing the cabin could be up to $30,000. Additional funds will be required to rebuild and restore the cabin once a permanent location is determined.
Historic Resources Plan
Council also directed staff to move forward with developing a historic preservation plan as part of the 2022 budget for a projected cost of $30,000.
In January 2021, Town Council received the results of the Frisco Historic Town Resource Survey from historic preservationist, Suzannah Reid. The survey identified and evaluated a series of historic resources within the Town of Frisco, and recommended that the Town develop a local preservation program to inform future discussions by developing goals and strategies for the appropriate use, conservation, preservation, and protection of historic resources. The historic resources plan would include the development of criteria for evaluation of new and existing Town-owned historic resources for preservation, relocation, and reuse. The criteria can help staff and Council better understand the challenges and opportunities of each historic resource and would include:
- Categories and data from the Historic Resource Survey
- Historic preservation standards such as historic significance and physical condition
- Town Council priorities such as cost and adaptive reuse potential
- Feedback from the community would also be integrated into the criteria.
High Country Conservation Center (HC3) Program Overview
HC3 is a local non-profit that promotes practical solutions for waste reduction and resource conservation in our community. The Town has partnered with HC3 for several years to advance the sustainability goals adopted by Town Council. For 2021, the Town has contributed a total of $61,750.00 to HC3’s programs: Climate Action, Energy Smart Colorado, and Resource Wise. The presentation from HC3 outlined the entirety of their program offerings and their impacts within the community as an annual update to Frisco Town Council which included work with partners on the Climate Action Plan, benchmarking and incentivizing building efficiency standards, reducing emissions and promoting uses of renewable energy, developing and expanding electric vehicle infrastructure, and promoting composting and recycling.
Frisco Bay Marina & Park Projects
Council adopted the Frisco Marina Park Master Plan in June 2018. The implementation of this plan started immediately with the “Big Dig” excavation project and Phase 1 improvements in 2019. These improvements resulted in an immediate increase in visitation to the Marina during both the summer of 2019 and 2020. In light of all these changes and opportunities, and in accordance with the master plan, staff spent the majority of 2020 planning for future capital and operational improvements to the Marina, which were presented to and adopted by Town Council through the annual budgeting process.
The Town of Frisco also hired F3 Marina in September 2020, to complete a professional operational assessment of the facilities and services and provide recommendations for improvements. F3 Marina staff completed their Operational Performance Audit and presented the report to Council on November 10, 2020. This report brought to the forefront issues with the bathrooms, parking, customer traffic flow, and safety. It also presented opportunities to evaluate and improve services, and to effectively and thoughtfully plan for the continued implementation of the master plan.
During the April 13, 2021 Council meeting, staff presented the review of the Marina & Park Planning, Access and Circulation Draft Master Plan completed by Walker Consultants, as well as three Marina capital projects that have been budgeted for 2021, reviewed by staff and F3 Marina, and prioritized as part of the implementation of the master plan.
- Marina Sewage Lift Station / Deep Utilities
- Marina Building Construction / Civil Work
- Marina Fuel System Design-Build
Parking, Access and Circulation Plan Update
Access and parking are two of the biggest challenges at the Frisco Bay Marina. F3 Marina specifically addressed these issues in the “Operational Performance Audit” and recommended a parking and traffic study be considered and changes implemented immediately where possible. Parking and circulation improvements were included in the 2021 Marina capital budget, and work began with Walker Consultants in early 2021.
Andrew Vidor, Director of Planning with Walker Consultants, presented current conditions, prioritized 2021 projects, mid-term strategies, and long-term opportunities that form the Marina & Park Parking, Access and Circulation Master Plan. This plan will be used to annually budget improvements to operations, traffic circulation, pedestrian access, and parking at the Frisco Bay Marina.
Short term options for proposed implementation in 2021 include:
- Creating improved pedestrian access at trail crossing
- Formalizing parking at the B-1 Lot
- Consistent and legible signage and wayfinding
Mid-term and long-term options are prioritized after 2021 and will involve additional study and/or further budgetary considerations. The goal of these changes is to enhance safety, improve the guest experience, and effectively plan for future improvements and changes.
A total of $100,000 is budgeted in the 2021 marina capital fund for parking and circulation improvements, and the listed short-term improvements can be achieved within that budget. Council gave staff the direction to move ahead with the short-term improvements and requested that ideas for longer term solution ideas be presented to the Town of Frisco Planning Commission for feedback before returning to Council.
Award of Contract for the Construction of the Frisco Bay Marina Lift Station and Deep Utilities Project
Council approved a contract with BT Construction, Inc., in the amount of $846,125, to build the required sewage lift station and install the water and sewer services to the new office building. This new lift station and deep utilities installation will provide the necessary capacity for all future projects as outlined in the Marina Master Plan, will be more energy efficient, and will replace the existing 30-year-old infrastructure in use now.
Award of Contract for the Construction of the Frisco Bay Marina Office Building and Civil Work
Council approved a contract with Saunders Heath Construction, in the amount of $1,597,346.00 for the construction of the new Frisco Bay Marina Office and Retail building. In early 2021, Town staff issued a request for proposals for the construction of the new building and associated civil work following the architectural and civil plans completed by Stais Architecture and Murray-Smith Engineers. The new 2,571 square foot building will enable more efficient customer service and provide staff with additional space to provide services. The building will also have photovoltaic panels installed on the south facing roof to help offset the building’s carbon footprint and will also be far more energy efficient than the current Lund House facility.
Award of Contract for Design/Build Services for the Frisco Bay Marina Fuel System
Town Council approved a contract with Kubat Equipment and Service Company for an amount of $742,905.88 to build a new fuel system at the Frisco Bay Marina. Currently, the marina does not have a working fuel system, and marina staff have to fuel from a fuel cell on shore. A new fuel system will allow staff to accurately track fuel usage, keep track of the rental fleet, and greatly increase the efficiency at which Marina staff can get rental boats ready. This new system will also have many safety features to safeguard the surrounding environment, including leak detection, up-to-date containment and storage, and electrical safety on the docks for guests/aquatic wildlife.
General Discussion / Action on COVID-19 Response
Staff reiterated to Town Council that the Colorado Department of Health and Environment will be retiring the current State COVID-19 Dial on Friday, April 16 to allow individual counties to make public health decisions which match the conditions and needs in their counties. Summit Public Health will likely make a decision on a Summit County dial on Thursday, April 15, which would likely go into effect on Friday, April 16.
Staff also provided an update on Frisco’s Concert in the Park series, which is scheduled to increase to 12 concerts from nine during the summer of 2021. While Town staff move forward with planning this series, staff anticipates quickly evolving conditions and restrictions and are planning to accommodate various scenarios in order to be able to safely hold this concert series. Scenarios may include installing fencing around the Historic Park to control capacity and selling tickets for a nominal fee to limit attendance as necessary. These plans may easily be altered based on changing public health conditions and restrictions. Council directed staff to return with plans closer to the start of the series when conditions, and subsequently, event plans are better understood.
Interviews for the Interim Town Manager
Frisco Town Manager Nancy Kerry tendered her resignation to the Frisco Town Council on March 25, 2021. Subsequently, Town Council directed Town Manager Nancy Kerry to facilitate the search for an interim Town Manager in order to allow for uninterrupted operations and progress on Town projects and for a thoughtful and thorough search for a permanent Town Manager. Consequently, Town Council interviewed two interim Town Manager candidates; one during the Special Town Council meeting on Monday, April 12 and one during the regular Town Council meeting on Tuesday, April 13.