Marina Building Plans
Council provided feedback on preliminary schematic designs for a remodel of the Island Grill, Lund House, and existing restrooms behind the Lund House, as well as two additions which included a new restroom building and back-of-house space at the Island Grill. These projects are part of improvements highlighted in the Frisco Marina Park Master Plan. The renovated Lund House will be used for boat and paddle sport rental operations and will include a limited retail space. Boater services for seasonal rental customers and an expanded retail space will be housed in the new Marina building currently under construction. The design proposal includes:
- Renovating the existing restrooms and an adding a separate restroom building with lockers to increase restroom capacity by 40%.
- Adding a porch area to provide additional shelter and shade from the elements.
- The Island Grill would be renovated to expand back-of-house operations, as well as provide additional storage space.
Council encouraged the design team to include solar panels on the Lund House and proposed restroom building on the next iteration of the design and discussed potential timing of the construction to reduce the impact on Marina operations by avoiding the time period between Memorial Day and Labor Day. Council also discussed several funding options for the build.
During their February 8, 2022 meeting, Council approved the designs for the landscaping and site work at the three acres of land created due to the “Big Dig” in order to continue to improve the access, circulation, and aesthetics at the Marina. These plans are currently being developed with a construction goal of fall 2022.
Adopting the Downtown Complete Streets Plan
Town Council adopted the final draft of the Downtown Complete Streets Plan by resolution.
The Town’s Community Plan and the Frisco Trails Master Plan both include goals related to improving the Town’s multi-modal transportation network, preserving the walkable nature of the community, and developing complete street plans in order to improve opportunities for safe and efficient multi-modal transportation throughout the community. The approved Plan is the culmination of several months of studying the existing conditions of the project area, gathering community input, designing and refining proposed street cross sections, and identifying key projects and priorities to help advance Town goals for enhanced multi-modal access for the downtown area.
Council reviewed and provided feedback for the draft plan at their February 8, 2022 meeting, and the design team incorporated a two-week public comment period that ended on February 18, 2022. The final plan reflects this feedback.
Key elements of the draft plan include cross section designs for downtown streets, policy recommendations, and a list of proposed projects and their respective priority for implementation. The plan also proposes planning and infrastructure projects in order to further the goals of the plan.
The contract with Toole Design for the development of the Downtown Complete Streets Plan was for a cost not to exceed $127,676. The plan was completed for less than the contracted amount, leaving $12,000 available to use for final planning for one of the high priority projects. The Town will utilize the unspent contract funds to pursue the redesign of the 2nd Ave/Granite Street intersection, a project identified as an important safety concern by community members.
Frisco’s Backyard
Town Council approved an agreement with Sno-Engineering, Inc., for the development of a US Forest Service proposal in Frisco’s Backyard that will incorporate recreation resource management with wildfire fuel reduction efforts, and consider other resource management needs in the project area known as Frisco’s Backyard. This area encompasses the land located generally south of Frisco, comprised of Mount Royal, Miners Creek, Rainbow Lake, Ophir Mountain, and Gold Hill. While outside of town limits, these National Forest (NFS) lands are a very important community recreation destination in Frisco’s “backyard”.
Because this area is almost entirely on lands managed by the US Forest Service (USFS), any trail planning, construction, and management requires coordination with and approval by USFS.
The Town and USFS staff agreed that combining the environmental review processes required for both the wildfire fuel reduction and proposed trails projects would more efficiently move these projects forward. Town Council allocated $490,000 for trails construction and enhancements in the 2022 budget for multiple projects, including the Trails Master Plan update; continuation of trail construction and enhancements; maintenance in Frisco’s Backyard; and wildfire mitigation plans and revegetation efforts. The SE Group proposal is for a cost not to exceed $240,500, which would be spread over the 2022 and 2023 budget years.
Partners in Energy MOU
Town Council entered into a memorandum of understanding with Xcel Energy for the Partners in Energy Program. This free two-year program aims to support Frisco in developing and implementing a strategic energy plan unique to the Town’s energy objectives. Participating in this program provides a great opportunity for Frisco to leverage additional resources to identify cost savings, support economic development, and save energy.
Xcel will also provide resources to reach identified goals. In addition to their existing rebates and programs, examples of these resources include project management, program outreach, trainings for local implementation, data or tracking assistance, and more.
This partnership will result in a plan that contains, among other information, an actionable roadmap to achieve the Town’s 100% renewable energy goal by 2035.
Pay as You Throw and Universal Recycling Ordinances
Council approved the second reading, with amendments, of an ordinance to introduce recycling policy changes to curbside waste pickup at residential properties and dumpster pickup at commercial and multi-family residential properties. For individual residences, a Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) policy is similar to a utility bill model in that a household pays for waste removal services based on how much waste that household produces. PAYT will provide an economic incentive to reduce waste and recycle more by requiring 80% minimum price differential between three trash bin size options and by including recycling with the service. Universal Recycling requires that businesses and multifamily properties have recycling collection service in addition to any existing waste pickup.
Following the initial December 14, 2021 Council work session, High Country Conservation Center (HC3) and LBA, a consultant hired by HC3 to facilitate the stakeholder process and draft the ordinance, performed an extensive outreach process with residents, businesses, HOAs, and property managers, in addition to Town Council and County Commissioner presentations, and one-on-one hauler meetings.
Council discussed and approved Ordinance 22-04 with changes, which were made due to Council feedback, and included:
- Fees for penalties are simplified to refer to the general penalty for violations
- Individuals and families who qualify for SNAP will also qualify for a low-income variance, should they wish to apply. Financial assistance will address only any increase in billing to comply with the PAYT ordinance.
The next steps include continued discussions of policy, implementation budget, waivers, marketing and information campaigns, and enforcement. The ordinance will go into effect on April 1, 2023. Summit County’s community-wide goal is to increase landfill diversion to 40% by 2035.
Frisco Town Council Meetings: Ways to Participate
Frisco Town Council meetings are available to view via Zoom and YouTube, and are also held in person to make Town Council meetings easier to access for everyone.
The public can provide comment during meetings via Zoom or in person (not YouTube), and a public comment period will be available at 7:00pm; during the consideration of ordinances; and at the discretion of Town Council during work session items, which are discussions that don’t require a formal vote by Town Council and do not require public comment.
Again, this hybrid approach is intended to make Town Council meetings more accessible, and meeting recordings will typically also be made available the day after a meeting in the meeting archive with agenda topics bookmarked to the discussions in the video.