The North Tenmile Trailhead, located at the west end of Frisco Main Street at I70 exit 201, will be closed all day to all users on Friday, June 23, 2023. Work will continue at the site into Saturday, June 24 and Sunday, June 25, but closures are not anticipated on Saturday or Sunday. The last-minute availability of a forestry crew already working in the Summit County area is making it possible for the Town of Frisco to complete this project to remove hazard trees around the trail and to better protect the watershed in this area. The project area is approximately 12 acres of Town of Frisco and United States Forest Service (USFS) lands.
Trail Hazards
Work will include cutting, lopping, and scattering standing dead trees and cleaning up fallen trees 125 feet from the trail across 10 acres. These standing dead trees can pose a safety concern to trail users, which is why this work is being done as soon as possible. Also, in areas already cleared of lodgepole pine trees in 2022, residual standing trees within 10 feet of existing piles created in 2022 will be cut and added to the piles. The work on these two acres will allow these piles to be burned in the winter or spring of 2023/24, as conditions allow.
Protecting the Watershed
This property also includes the primary freshwater intake for the Town of Frisco water system and a facility for the treatment and storage of water. In addition, the property is within the “Denver Water Zone of Concern”, and treatment was completed on the neighboring Denver Water property to remove lodgepole pine overstory in the late 2010s. The current Town of Frisco project will support the work done in the adjacent Denver Water property and will clear this area of hazard trees to allow for unimpeded access to the treatment facility and to better protect this watershed. Risks from fire can include damaging and/or clogging the water intake structure, damage or destruction of storage and treatment facilities, poor water quality, and high risk to firefighting personnel due to falling hazard trees. By completing this forestry project, the risk to the watershed will be decreased, and firefighters would be able to access the area more safely if there were a fire.
Other Trailheads in the Area
Trail users must use other trailheads on Friday, June 23 while the North Tenmile Trailhead is closed, and trail users are urged to avoid this area if possible, on Saturday, June 24 and Sunday, June 25. The Town of Frisco suggests trailheads to the west and east instead of utilizing the North Ten Mile Trailhead. Two alternate trailhead suggestions:
- Gore Range Trailhead #60 at Copper Mountain offers a chance to hike to high alpine lakes just north of Copper Mountain. It is most often used as an out and back and don’t let the short hike along I70 fool you, as you will soon find yourself enjoying spectacular views in the Eagles Nest Wilderness area.
Driving directions- just head west on I70 from the North Tenmile Trailhead, and take Exit 196, Scenic Overlook, and park in the spaces provided. Then cross the creeks/ponds on a small footbridge and take a left on the trail, which will lead you along I70 to a great view of Copper Mountain. Eventually the trail will turn right and away from I70 to a steady climb. - Meadow Creek Trailhead #33 also enters the Eagles Nest Wilderness area and eventually takes you up into the high alpine terrain of Eccles Pass. The beginning of the trail climbs steeply as it passes through aspen stands. Great views of Dillon Reservoir and the Upper Blue Valley can be seen from occasional clearings along the Meadow Creek Trail.
Driving directions– just head east on I70 from the North Tenmile Trailhead and get off at the next exit, Frisco exit 203. Travel across the highway to the traffic circle on the north side of I -70, go around the traffic circle to the gravel road that parallels I70, and follow this frontage road to the end, where you will find the parking area and trailhead.