Town News

Summit County Public Health Removes Indoor Mask Requirement

Summit County Public Health Mask Requirement Dropped

The Summit County Public Health Department updated their public health order to remove the mask requirement for indoor public spaces effective Wednesday, January 26, 2022 at 12:01am. Summit County Public Health cited a substantial decline in new COVID cases, and fewer members of the workforce reporting sick including hospital and 911 center staff.

Does the Town of Frisco issue these public health orders?

No. The Town of Frisco does not have jurisdiction over public health and sends out this type of communication to inform residents and businesses and to support everyone’s health.

Are there any remaining requirements from Summit Public Health?


  • Per the new order, masks continue to be required for children ages 2-11 indoors in schools, childcare centers, and in extracurricular activities. At this time, Summit School District will also continue its requirement that staff and students wear masks throughout the District.
  • Summit County government will continue to require masks within its County owned facilities as well.
  • The Federal Government/Centers for Disease Control (CDC) still requires that masks be worn while on public transportation so don’t give your friendly ski area shuttle or Summit Stage driver a hard time.
  • Most medical service providers require masks, and individual businesses may still make the decision to require masks.

Are masks required in Town of Frisco government owned buildings?


The Town has a policy that masks that fully cover your mouth and nose are required indoors for everyone age two (2) and up, whether vaccinated or not, in all Town of Frisco government owned buildings, including Town Hall, Public Works, the Information Center, the Adventure Park Day Lodge, the Historic Park and Museum buildings, and all Frisco Bay Marina Buildings. The Town has this policy because COVID infection rates are still high, and it is a priority to keep the Town’s staff healthy and for staff to be able to continue to serve Frisco businesses and residents.

This does NOT apply to any private businesses in Frisco, only Town of Frisco government owned buildings.

What to do?

  1. Stay home if you are sick.
  2. Get tested.
  3. Wash your hands more than you ever thought you would need to and avoid touching your face.
  4. Get vaccinated and boosted.
  5. Be kind and patient and ask yourself if what you are about to say, post, or do will make your community a better and happier place; don’t do it if the answer is no or maybe.