Town News

Sustainability Opportunities Roundup

Spring is on its way, and with it, several opportunities to make a positive impact towards countywide sustainability efforts with Town of Frisco partners, High Country Conservation Center (HC3) and the I-70 Coalition. Check it out:

Party for the Planet this Friday, March 4

Join HC3 for their biggest fundraiser of the year this Friday, March 4, from 6:30 – 9:30 pm. Celebrate with  wine tastings and local brews from five local breweries, live music from local favorite Beau Thomas, delicious food, an award ceremony, and a huge silent auction with all proceeds supporting local conservation.

Come dressed in your jeans or in your best mountain finery. Party for the Planet is a fun night to catch up with our community while supporting local climate action and conservation efforts. Tickets are $50 for general admission, and $75 for VIP admission in advance, and $60 for general admission and $85 for VIP admission at the door. 

More details at

Get Your Party for the Planet Tickets

Solarize Summit Registration Open

HC3 and Summit Climate Action Collaborative are offering local residents and businesses a limited-time discount on solar panel installation. This is a community program, which means the more people that go solar, the more everyone saves.

Sign up for a free, no-obligation site visit from Active Energies Solar and receive a customized proposal to help you decide if solar is right for you. If you sign a contract with the installer by May 31, 2022 and install your solar energy system, you will get a $1,500 rebate from the Town of Frisco! You will also get your Solarize rebate from Active Energies when the program ends.

Tame the Tap for Fix-a-Leak Week

Tame the Tap

HC3 is again offering Tame the Tap water checkups that help Summit County renters and homeowners save water in their homes. Trained technicians test the efficiency of toilets, faucets and showerheads, and install water-saving equipment on the spot, and provide you with a custom water use report that will help you understand your water use and how to be more efficient. The visit takes about 60 minutes. Rebates are available for upgrades.

Since 2019, Tame the Tap has helped locals conserve more than 620,000 gallons of water, a savings that will continue annually. Both renters and homeowners can sign up for a physically distanced appointment at The program is free to residential customers of Town of Frisco water as well as residents of Breckenridge, Dillon, and in unincorporated Summit County. Rebates are available to participants who make recommended upgrades.

Fix a Leak Week, March 14-20

While Tame the Tap is available year-round, HC3 and local water providers are encouraging you to check your home for leaks from March 14- 20 to get ready for spring. Minor water leaks account for nearly 1 trillion gallons of wasted water each year. That’s equal to annual water use in nearly 11 million homes. Learn how to chase down leaks, or sign up for an indoor water check-up with HC3. Visit for details.

Break up With Your Car

Our partners at the I-70 Coalition are committed to improving your experience on I-70. The best way to reduce congestion is to break up with your car (or at least take a step back in your relationship with it) and increase your use of the many low-cost, easy transit options that can take you between cities along the front range to the I-70 area mountain towns and resorts. Use regional transit, like Bustang and Snowstang, start seeing other cars through rideshare apps like Treadshare and Caravan, and check out local options like the free Summit Stage