Town Council Work Session & Regular Meeting
Tuesday, February 25, 2025|4:00 pm
Frisco Town Hall
1 East Main Street
United States
Meeting Information
Town Council holds regularly scheduled meetings the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. Meeting agendas and Council packets are posted no later than the Friday before a meeting. Special Meetings may be called in accordance with Frisco’s Town Charter, and will be noticed accordingly. The end times of meetings are posted on this website automatically at 10:00PM, but true adjournment times are dependent on the content of the Agenda.
Public comment may be made at the start of a regular meeting for items not already slated for a Public Hearing that evening. People making Public Comment must state their name and physical address for the record, be topic-specific, and limit comments to three minutes or less. No Council action is taken on Public Comments at Council meetings. Council takes public comments under advisement, and if a Council and/or Staff response is deemed necessary or appropriate, the individual making the comment will receive a formal response from the Town at a later date. It is recommended to sign-in at the Welcome Table at each meeting, and include contact information.
In support of the goal to increase public engagement by making Town of Frisco meetings more accessible, this meeting will be held in a hybrid format with access to the meeting available via Zoom and YouTube, as well as in person attendance at Town Hall.
Questions about Town Council Meetings? Email townclerk@townoffrisco.com