The Town of Frisco has partnered with Iconergy to develop and complete the first Frisco specific climate action plan, the Frisco Climate Action and Resiliency Plan (CARP). The Town is creating the plan based on feedback from the community, best practices, and technical analysis. The first step in determining the goals and priorities for the CARP will be to gather community input through a quick survey being conducted by Iconergy. Community members will have until Tuesday, July 23, 2024 to provide their feedback which will help shape the future of Frisco’s climate action plan.
Project Background
In 2019, Frisco Town Council adopted the Summit Community Climate Action Plan (CAP) which has five focus areas that have led both Frisco and the Summit County community’s sustainability efforts throughout the last five years: renewable energy, building energy, transportation, waste, and forests. While these principles are still applicable, a lot has changed since 2019, and it is time to reevaluate Frisco’s goals and priorities and develop a plan that is more specific to Frisco. Additionally, several other sustainability and environmental plans have been developed since adoption of the Community CAP, including an EV Readiness Plan, Climate Equity Plan, and Town of Frisco Energy Action Plan.
In March 2024, the Town entered into an agreement with Iconergy to develop and complete the first Frisco specific CARP. A climate action and resilience plan can be leveraged as a long-range planning tool to guide town wide policy and decision-making. The Town recognizes that an updated plan, which includes strategies and goals from more recent plans while looking to the future with creative, new strategies for Frisco specifically, will better guide the Town in decision making. Additionally, the Town of Frisco has received a grant award from the Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) to complete this Frisco specific plan.
For questions on the Frisco CARP or more information on Frisco’s environmental programs, visit or contact Nico Cruz, Frisco Sustainable Materials Specialist, at