Originally published: June 15, 2023 | Updated: August 18, 2023
The Frisco Public Works Department and third-party contractors will be working on street resurfacing projects throughout the Town of Frisco and bridge work on 4th Avenue and West Main Street starting on Wednesday, June 21 through Wednesday, August 23, 2023. Additionally, the Frisco Public Works Department is scheduled to close a section of Main Street on Monday, June 19, 2023 to deploy parklets in the parking spots in front of local businesses. These projects will all have an impact on traffic, and these operations and related closures will be signed several days prior. Residents are being asked to plan ahead, as these crews perform the necessary work, and Frisco Public Works thanks all residents and visitors for their patience while this vital street and bridge work is completed.
Bridge Work on 4th Avenue
Bridge construction on the 4th Avenue bridge will begin on Saturday, August 19 and is expected to be completed on Wednesday, August 23. Chipseal, a pavement treatment that combines one or more layers of asphalt with one or more layers of fine aggregate, will be removed and reapplied.
Timing and Affected Areas
Removal of the old chipseal will take place from 7:00 am-9:30 am on Saturday, August 19. New chipseal will applied on Wednesday, August 23 and is expected to take three-four hours to complete. A full road closure is expected during removal and reapplication.
- 4th Avenue will be closed from 7:00 am-9:30am on Saturday, August 19
- 4th Avenue will be closed for three-four hours, time to be determined, on Wednesday, August 23
- 4th Avenue will be closed to all traffic starting at Galena Street and ending just before Walter Byron Park.
- Creekside Drive will be closed from the intersection of Miners Creek Road to just after Walter Byron Park, and only resident traffic will be allowed in this area.
- Detours will be in place and will divert traffic from Miners Creek Road to Creekside Drive and then to Madison Avenue and onto West Main Street. Additionally, detours will be in place on Galena Street and will divert traffic down 1st Avenue onto West Main Street.
Completed Projects
Main Street Closure on Monday, June 19, 2023
The Frisco Public Works Department will be closing Main Street from 2nd Avenue to 5th Avenue on Monday, June 19, 2023 from 6:00 am to 12:00 pm to deploy 38 parklets in front of 17 local businesses. A detour will be in place to divert traffic from Main Street onto Granite and Galena Streets.
Concrete Pan Replacement and Asphalt Back Patching
Concrete pans are used to divert water into the drainage system. During this replacement process, the concrete pan is removed, and new concrete is poured. The asphalt in the areas where concrete pan replacement occurred will need to be back patched, creating a smooth surface surrounding the pan. Concrete pan replacement and asphalt back patching is scheduled for the week of June 26, 2023.
Affected Areas
- 5th Avenue and Granite Street intersection- the east and west side concrete pans are scheduled to be replaced on 5th Avenue with a full asphalt replacement of the entire intersection.
- 5th Avenue and Belford intersection- concrete pan replacement will take place on the south side of 5th Avenue with a 2-foot asphalt patch back on each side.
- Windflower Lane- the concrete pan just outside of residence 108 Windflower Lane will be replaced with a 2-foot asphalt patch back on each side.
- 5th Avenue and Granite Street will require a full closure with a detour in place for three days from Monday, June 26 through Wednesday, June 28, 2023.
- The south side of the 5th Avenue and Belford Street intersection will require a full closure with a detour in place for three days from Monday, June 26 through Wednesday, June 28, 2023.
- The street at 108 Windflower Lane will require a full closure that will detour residents of The Reserve to Main Street and then to 4th Avenue to gain access for three days from Monday, June 26 through Wednesday, June 28, 2023.
Slurry Seal on Town Streets, Thursday, June 29, 2023
Slurry seal is an asphalt coating over the top of the existing asphalt that fills in small cracks and surface imperfections to give the roadway a uniform color and texture in order to prolong the life of the asphalt.
Affected Areas
- Granite Street
- 4th Avenue bridge
- Teller Alley starting at Madison Avenue to 1st Avenue
- 5th Avenue dead end starting at the Galena Street intersection
- Galena Street to 7th Avenue dead end starting at 6th Avenue intersection
- The contractor will slurry seal the streets in one direction and then seal the opposite side of the street. Traffic will be limited to one lane only during this work.
- Parking will be allowed on the surrounding streets while road closures are in place. Any vehicles within the work area will be towed at the owner’s expense.
- For residents directly affected by these closures, crews will knock on each door to notify residents of impending road closures and give them the option to move their vehicles.
- The affected streets will be able to re-open 3-4 hours after the slurry seal is applied.
Bridge Work on West Main Street
There will be bridge construction on the West Main Street bridge starting on Monday, July 10, 2023. This project is expected to be completed on Friday, July 14, 2023. Improvements will include removing and replacing the guardrail on the north and south sides of the bridge and repairs to the asphalt at the approaches to the bridge.
Timing and Affected Areas
Bridge construction will take place from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm from Monday, July 10 through Friday, July 14, 2023. Removal and replacement of the south guardrail is expected to occur from Monday, July 10 through Wednesday, July 12 and the north guardrail is scheduled for Wednesday, July 12 through Friday, July 14. Crack seal application will be applied during this time on the southbound and northbound approaches.
- The southbound lane on West Main Street will be closed starting at Forest Drive with a lane shift in place. Traffic control will be set up from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm from Monday, July 10 through Wednesday, July 12, 2023.
- The northbound lane on West Main Street will be closed just before the bridge with a lane shift in place. Traffic control will be set up from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm from Wednesday, July 12 through Friday, July 14 2023.
Mill and Overlay on Town Streets
During a mill and overlay, the top layer of old asphalt is ground off, and tack oil is placed on the existing road to help bind the new asphalt. A new layer of asphalt is then applied creating a roadway that is uniform in color, quality, and level.
Timing and Affected Areas
Mill and overlay will take place on Wednesday, June 21 through Monday, July 10, 2023, Monday, July 17 through Wednesday, July 19, and Monday, July 24 through Friday, August 4 starting at 7:00 am until 6:00 pm, Monday-Friday only.
- School Road is expected to be completed on Wednesday, July 5.
- Belford Street from Meridian Loop to the start of the new bike path just before 5th Avenue is expected to be completed on Thursday, July 6.
- 3rd Avenue from Main Street to Granite Street is expected to be completed on Wednesday, July 19.
- 4th Avenue from Granite Street to the start of the bridge where it become Creekside Drive is expected to be completed on Wednesday, July 19.
- Dillon Dam Road from Highway 9 to the start of the red bike path. Milling an paving is expected to take place from Monday, July 24 through Friday, August 4.
- 3rd Avenue and 4th Avenue will have full closures with detours in place from 7:00 am – 6:00 pm.
- Belford Street, School Road, and Dillon Dam Road will have flagging operations in place to allow for through traffic by keeping one lane open.
- Weather and general conditions will determine the schedule, which is why mill and overlay operations will be signed on specific streets prior to the work being performed. Motorists in those areas are urged to look for those signed notifications.
Any questions related to the milling, paving, slurry seal, and construction projects may be directed to Town of Frisco Streets Department Supervisor, Landon Sengelman, at LandonS@TownOfFrisco.com or by calling the main Public Works line at 970-668-0836.