Town News

I-70 Exit 203 Frisco Interchange Improvements Open House on Wednesday, October 25, 2023

You are invited to a Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) public open house on October 25, 2023 from 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM at the Frisco Day Lodge, to discuss the proposed design and potential construction timeline for I-70 exit 203 interchange safety improvements. Exit 203 is the primary exit used to get into Frisco, located at Highway 9/Summit Boulevard, and this project is intended to improve mobility and safety concerns on I-70 and Highway 9. CDOT invites the public to come to this open house and comment on the proposed design.

Project Description

Safety, mobility, and operational improvements are needed at the interchange of I-70 at exit 203 and Hwy 9 in Frisco. Safety improvements are also needed for the adjacent intersection of Hwy 9 and Lusher Court/Dillon Dam Road. The I-70 interchange experiences significant congestion during peak travel times, and this project is intended to improve the capacity of the interchange by improving the westbound ramp and I-70 bridge. It also improves the eastbound ramps and adjacent intersection at Dillon Dam Road and Lusher Court.

Project Improvements:

  • Mobility: Interchange improvements enhance economic vitality and mobility by reducing travel delays caused by crashes and congestion. Mobility improvements will benefit all users, including local residents, public transit providers, the freight industry, and visitors.
  • Safety: The interchange improvements will also increase traveler safety for all users. The preliminary design includes improvements to add a new bicycle and pedestrian connection on Hwy 9 and across I-70.

I-70 and Hwy 9 Planning

CDOT completed the I-70 Exit 203 and Eastbound Auxiliary Lane Feasibility Study in 2020, which identified improvements at the interchange. Local stakeholders were involved in the feasibility study and will continue to be involved in the final design of this project. CDOT is advancing these interchange concepts to finalize the project design, including a new frontage road bypass under Hwy 9, connecting Dillon Dam Road and Lusher Court, which will relieve traffic congestion on Hwy 9 near the exit 203 interchange. The project will also add multi-use pathways for pedestrians and bicyclists along the frontage road and across I-70 on Hwy 9 to existing hiking and biking trails.

More Info

For more information on the proposed preliminary design and possible construction timeline visit or contact CDOT’s project management team at