As of Friday, February 26, Summit County moved from Level Orange to Level Yellow on the State COVID-19 Dial, after Summit County exhibited Level Yellow numbers for seven days. On March 2 Summit County issued a new public health order, which will remain in effect until 11:59pm March 31, 2021, which updates Five Star operations now that over 70% of Colorado’s 70 plus population has been vaccinated, and Five Star businesses may operate at Level Blue.
Under Level Yellow
The personal gathering restriction remains the same with a limit of no more than 10 people from no more than two households.
For businesses not in the 5 Star program
- Non Five Star restaurants:
- Patrons in different parties must be a minimum of six feet apart.
- Restaurants may operate at 50% of the posted occupancy limit indoors not to exceed 50 people (excluding staff), whichever is less, per room.*
- Open seating is strongly discouraged unless minimum spacing between parties can be effectively maintained at all times.
- On-premises sale, consumption, and service of alcohol (by both staff and customers) ends at 10:00pm. Takeout alcohol sales end at 10:00pm.
*Establishments larger than 7,200 square feet may use the Distancing Space Calculator to expand to no more than 150 patrons indoors per room, excluding staff, within their usable space.
Non Five Star personal services: 50% of posted occupancy limit or 50 people per room, whichever is less.
Non Five Star gyms/fitness: 50% of indoor occupancy limit or 50 people per room, whichever is less; groups of 10 or less outdoors, maintaining six feet of distance between non-household contacts; reservations required for all services.
Lodging and short term rentals: Lodging stays limited to a max of 10 people from no more than two households in any lodging unit, including short-term vacation rentals (STRs). A household is defined as the person or persons who live together in a single residence. The two household limit applies to all lodging stays, including those for which reservations have already been made. Any existing reservations that include guests from more than two households must be changed or canceled to comply with the regulation. See additional guidance for owners and managers of STR properties.
Ski Areas: Ski areas must operate at reduced guest capacities. All retail, lodging and restaurant operations at resorts are subject to all restrictions within the order listed for those sectors.
Retail businesses: May operate at 50% of the posted occupancy limit and should offer enhanced options for curbside pickup, delivery, and dedicated service hours for seniors and at-risk individuals.
Offices: 50% of posted occupancy limit; remote work strongly encouraged.
Schools: In-person learning suggested for preschool through twelfth grade.
Higher education: In-person, hybrid, or remote as appropriate.
Child care: Open, with standard ratios.
Eligible businesses may still apply for the Five Star Program Restaurants, gyms/fitness, and personal service businesses are eligible to apply for the Five Star program at any time by filling out an application on Summit County’s 5 Star Program webpage, and emailing the application to Once the application is received Town staff will reach out to schedule an inspection.
What this means for Five Star businesses
The State only allowed Five Star certified businesses to operate in Level Blue once 70% of Colorado’s 70 plus population had been vaccinated. This morning, Governor Polis announced that the State has reached that goal with 70.7% of people aged 70 and up vaccinated, which allows Summit County Five Star certified businesses to operate in Level Blue, effective immediately.
Five Star Restaurants:
- Patrons in different parties must be a minimum of six feet apart.
- Dining parties continue to be limited to 10 individuals from no more than two households.
- Allowed capacity is 50%, or up to 175 people, whichever is less. However, patrons from different parties must remain at minimum, 6 feet apart. This means that some restaurants may not be able to seat additional people and still maintain the appropriate distance between parties. *
- Open seating is strongly discouraged unless minimum spacing between parties can be effectively maintained at all times.
- On-premises sale, consumption, and service of alcohol (by both staff and customers) ends at 10:30pm. Takeout alcohol sales end at 10:30pm.
- Restaurants must confirm patrons are aware of, and are in compliance with, the dining party group limits. This can be done by requiring at least one member of each household within a party sign, initial, or check-mark a hard copy or digital document indicating they are aware of and in compliance with the gathering size limits.
*Establishments larger than 7,200 square feet may use the Distancing Space Calculator to expand to no more than 225 patrons indoors per room, excluding staff, within their usable space.
Five Star gyms/fitness: 50% of posted occupancy limit or 175 people, whichever is less; groups of 10 or less outdoors, maintaining 6 feet of distance between non-household contacts; reservations required for all services.
Five Star personal services: 50% of posted occupancy limit or 50 people, whichever is less (this capacity is unchanged from Yellow to Blue).
Summit County Public Health Website
The Summit County Five Star webpage is updated to reflect current operating options for Five Star businesses. Summit County Public Health will send emails to all certified businesses to notify if and when any changes to operational capacities will occur. Information on Summit County COVID-19 case data is available on the Summit County website.